Aurora's Textile Collection Program
Thank you to all residents for participating in Aurora's Textile Collection Program. Since the program started over 524,540 lbs. of textiles have been collected.
Textiles including used clothing, sheets, towels and fabrics make up five per cent of what gets thrown away as garbage from households in York Region.
Residents can dispose of unwanted clothing and textiles in collection bins at the following locations:
Aurora Town Hall100 John West WayFront parking lot
Stronach Aurora Recreation Centre1400 Wellington Street EastFront parking lot at the southeast corner
Aurora Community Centre1 Community Centre LaneFront entryway
Aurora Family Leisure Complex135 Industrial Parkway NorthRear parking lot at the northwest corner
Home pick up is also available by calling 1-866-927-3873 or by emailing Cornerstone to Recovery
Accepted Items |
Recycling Rewards welcomes the donation of the following gently used items. Please place your items in strong bags and boxes and secure the top of bags to avoid spillage.
Items NOT Accepted |
Unfortunately, Recycling Rewards is unable to accept following items: