Business Property Waste Collection Changes

Starting January 1, 2026, the Town of Aurora will no longer provide waste collection services for business properties, this includes businesses who are currently using Aurora’s recycling tote service collection.  

This is a result of changes made by the Province of Ontario to the Blue Box Regulation, which now requires producers to manage waste collection separately for businesses. Because of this new blue box legislation, the Town has also made the decision to no longer collect garbage, yard waste and green bins for businesses.

Effective January 1, 2026, garbage, blue boxes, green bins, and yard waste will not be collected from the following business properties:

  • Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) properties
  • Daycares
  • Places of worship
  • Businesses in BIA’s
  • Not-for-profit /charitable organizations and shelters
  • Post secondary institutions – public and private
  • Municipal facilities and community Centres (libraries and arenas)

The Town will no longer provide waste collection to business properties and private collection must be arranged. 

For properties that have both residential and commercial units, only the residential units are eligible for collection under the new rules.

For more information, contact our waste management coordinator at 905-727-3123.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen as of January 1, 2026?

The Town of Aurora will no longer collect your garbage, blue box, green bins, and yard waste.

As of January 1, 2026, you must arrange for private collection of all your waste.

There will be no changes to your collection schedule or the materials you can recycle from now until December 31, 2025.

For more information visit the Province of Ontario’s Blue Box Regulation.

Why is the Town no longer picking up other waste services?

Municipalities are not required to collect or manage waste and green bin collection for businesses. When the curbside collection programs first began, it was intended to service strictly residential properties. However, over the years the Town of Aurora like other municipalities gradually allowed industrial, commercial, and institutional (ICI) properties to participate in the town’s recycling and waste curbside programs. Due to the new Blue Box legislation, the Town will no longer collect recycling, waste, green bin and yard waste from non-eligible sources starting on January 1, 2026.

Who do I contact for private waste collection?

You will need to arrange for a private waste collection company to handle your waste. There are many options available, so it’s important to choose a company that aligns with your business needs, collection schedule, and budget.  If you're unsure, ask your property manager or local businesses about their services.

For more information, contact our waste management coordinator at 905-727-3123.