Street and Sidewalk Sweeping

Which streets and sidewalks will be swept?

All streets and sidewalks that are owned and assumed by the Town will be swept.

Streets in new subdivisions with base course asphalt, sidewalks not continuously connected or under construction, will be the responsibility of the subdivision developer.

Private streets and sidewalks are the responsibility of the condominium/townhouse development owner.

How can residents help?

For effective sweeping, we need to get to the curb and sidewalk without interference. To help with that please:

  • Try to avoid Monday to Friday daytime parking on your street, if possible
  • Do not park vehicles over the curb or sidewalk
  • Place your garbage, recycling or yard waste on your driveway, away from the curb
  • Do not place basket ball nets on the road or hanging over the curb

Remember safety is important for everyone, please watch children carefully when the sweepers are on the roadway.

When will the sweeping be finished?

The spring street sweeping program typically takes up to six weeks to complete but may be delayed by weather, parked vehicles or excessive amounts of winter sand or debris.

We appreciate your cooperation and assistance in keeping Aurora's streets and sidewalks clean and safe. For further information, please contact the Town at 905-727-1375.​