Who can apply? |
- Organizations are eligible to apply for a Banner Permit for the purpose of promoting charitable, public, or special community events, or for decorative purposes featuring and supporting a specific area (Downtown, Wellington, etc.)
- Applications are evaluated based on the following priorities:
- First priority: Street pole banners produced or sponsored by the Town or its agencies that promote the Town, its events or key areas.
- Second priority: Street pole banners promoting special events or activities held within the Town, open to the public, and organized by a community non-profit organization located within town limits.
- Third priority: Street pole banners promoting special events or activities held within the Town of Aurora, open to the public, organized by non-profit organizations or government agencies located outside of town limits, or for-profit organizations in town limits.
- Preference shall be given to applications that reflect the Town’s tourism/sport tourism-related objectives:
- Promotion of major events where the Town has participation or representation (i.e. local, regional, provincial, national, international sporting competitions or events, etc.).
- Promotion of arts and culture events held in the Town that draw visitors from outside of the Town.
- Promotion of other priority events as determined by Council.
- Corporate sponsors may contribute to the purchase and installation/removal of street pole banners on behalf of eligible applicants. In such cases, the display of company logos may be permitted/incorporated into the design providing the content is incidental to the over-all banner design and the recognition will not exceed 25% of the total area of the Street Pole Banner.
- The Street Pole Banner Program Policy prohibits installation of any Street Pole Banner solely advertising a specific product or service, excluding a business logo in support of one of the priorities listed in this Policy.
How can I apply? |
- Complete the online Street Pole Banner Application Form. All applications must include a design of proposed street pole banners.
- Completed applications and designs for the 2025 calendar year must be submitted during the Banner Calendar Booking Period of October 1 to November 30, 2024. Applications may be submitted after November 15, but will only be evaluated as availability and timing permit, subject to the approval as per the Street Pole Banner Program Policy. No applications will be permitted to carryover to the next Banner Calendar Booking Period. A new application is required for each period.
- Applications must include a design of the proposed street pole banner in accordance with the Detailed Banner Specifications. The Town of Aurora’s Communications Division will approve or reject an application based on message content, appropriate use of the program, target audience and overall adherence to the Street Banner Program Policy. The Communications Division will notify the applicant as soon as possible with the decision and next steps.
If the application is approved, the Communications Division will inform the successful applicant to remit a non-refundable application fee of $30 for non-profit organizations and $50 for for-profit organizations to the Town, as well as an installation/removal fee of $100 per banner (which covers both installation and removal). Successful applicants will also receive their Banner Permit.
- Upon issuance of the Banner Permit, the successful applicant will be informed by the Communications Division as to when/where to deliver their street pole banners to the Town’s Operational Services team for installation. The Town will not accept any street pole banners more than 3 working days prior to installation. Storage of the street pole banners is the sole responsibility and expense of the successful applicant.
- Upon removal of the street pole banners, the Communications Division will inform the successful applicant as to where/when they can pick up their banners.
When can I apply? |
The period of October 1 to November 30 of each year will be the official Banner Calendar Booking Period. All applications made within the time period will be date stamped. Applications can be made after the scheduling period, however, they will be processed on a first come first serve basis and may only be granted based on availability and adherence to this Policy.
What are the costs and fees? |
If the application is approved, a non-refundable Application Fee of $30 for non-profit organizations and $50 for for-profit organizations will be required.
In addition, an installation/removal fee of $100 per banner (which covers both installation and removal) will be required.
The design and production of the banners is the sole responsibility of the applicant.
Street Pole Banner Locations |
- There are four (4) specific routes/streets (and available poles) identified as part of the Street Pole Banner Program, including:
- Location A: Yonge Street-Historical District (max. 34); block out November to April due to snow plowing.
- Location B: St. John’s Sideroad (8)
- Location C1: Wellington Street East (12) (one side only; other side reserved for Town/Region, as available)
- Location C2: Wellington Street East (Bayview to Leslie) (26) (one side only; other side reserved for Town/Region, as available)
Please note: John West Way is reserved for Town use only.
- Street Pole Banner installation and removal will be conducted by the Town’s vendor at a cost to the permit holder.
- The Permit Holder is required to ensure that their street pole banners are free of damage or deterioration during the permit period. If the banners are damaged or fall into disrepair, the Permit Holder must notify the Town immediately to have the banners removed. If the Applicant wishes to have new banners installed, they will be required to remit an additional installation/removal fee of $100 per banner.

Banner Locations Map PDF