Sport Workshops & Education Sessions
The Town of Aurora hosts a variety of courses and workshops to support the growth and development of both sport organizations and their members.
» Please check back regularly for more courses and workshops!
Mental Health in Sport Series
Mental health is an essential part of our overall well-being, yet it remains a topic many find challenging to navigate.
The virtual Mental Health in Sport Series aims to change that by fostering awareness, reducing stigma, and providing practical strategies to promote mental wellness in sport and beyond.
Hosted by the Canadian Mental Health Association (C.M.H.A.), this 4-part Lunch & Learn series offers participants the chance to explore key mental health topics, develop supportive communication skills, and learn how to build resilience in themselves and others. Whether you want to better support youth, navigate social media's influence, handle challenging conversations, or simply build your own mental health awareness, this series offers accessible, expert-led learning that can make a meaningful difference in your personal and professional life. Join us in creating a more informed, compassionate, and inclusive approach to mental health.
Mental Health in Sport: 4 x Part Series
Part 1 > Mental Health 101 - Thursday, February 20 & Thursday, March 6, 2025
Part 2 > Supporting our Youth: Teen Stress & Anxiety - Friday, March 28, 2025
Part 3 > Adapting to Challenges: Mental Health & Communication - Thursday, April 3, 2025
Part 4 > Social Media & Well-Being - Thursday, April 17, 2025
Time - 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Location - Virtual (Zoom)
Important Details
- Discount codes are available for all high school, college and university students.
- 60 minutes per session virtual lunch and learn via Zoom.
- Registration is required.
- Ages 15+ years old.
- $10 to attend all sessions.
Register Online - Mental Health in Sport Series
Where can I find more information as it relates to Mental Health and Mental Health supports? |
Canadian Mental Health Association (C.M.H.A.) services in York Region and South Simcoe. C.M.H.A.-Y.R.S.S. is one of the fastest growing chapters of the C.M.H.A. with more than 350 staff and 100 volunteers serving the community of 1.2 million residents who live in York Region and South Simcoe. We are committed to driving innovation and integration of services for the best outcomes and experience for clients, families, staff and community partners. We offer a wide range of programs, serving clients aged 12 and up on-site at several locations across York Region and South Simcoe, as well as remotely and in community settings. We also provide mental health education and training programs to organizations looking to build knowledge, skills and resilience in their teams. |
Do I get a discount if I cannot attend all of the sessions? |
No, the price is set regardless of how many sessions you attend. |
Are student discounts available? |
Yes, students are eligible to receive a discount code to attend the series free of charge. Please email Aiden Ament to receive the discount code. |
Is subsidy available? |
F.A.I.R. Access (Fee Assistance in Recreation) is a confidential fee assistance program for residents of Aurora to use for meaningful access to recreation programs and memberships. Qualifying Town of Aurora residents may receive up to $250 per person per calendar year to use towards a recreation program or drop-in activity of their choice. Residents qualify based on their L.I.M. (Low Income Measure) as per Statistics Canada. Please visit our F.A.I.R. Access webpage for full details. |
When will I receive the meeting link? |
All registrants will receive an email a minimum of 2 days in advance of the scheduled virtual meeting. |
Can I share my meeting link? |
No, all participants/attendees need to register to receive their own meeting link. |
Why should I attend? |
Session Information: Mental Health 101 |
Mental Health 101 provides an understanding of various mental health issues, builds mental health awareness and helps reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. Participants will learn strategies for maintaining their mental wellness and for providing compassionate support and understanding to colleagues, friends and family. If your organization is just beginning to introduce and welcome conversations and key learnings about mental health, this is an excellent introductory course. It aims to introduce the concept of what is meant by mental health, common disorders and how to initiate stigma free and supportive conversation. Learning Objectives
Session Information: Supporting our Youth: Teen Stress & Anxiety |
This presentation will explore questions like, how does stress turn into anxiety for young people? How can youth overcome perfectionism and thought distortions, and how can we, as parents, educators and caregivers, support our youth through their most challenging times? We will identify the most common stressors currently experienced by youth and make connections between the mental health challenges youth are facing. We will provide strategies for identifying serious mental health concerns among youth, and explore techniques for encouraging, and engaging in safe, supportive and compassionate conversations. Learning Objectives
Sessions Information: Adapting to Challenges: Mental Health & Communication |
This session teaches us all how to identify and respond to common mental health challenges with effective, caring and compassionate communication strategies, especially during difficult situations. With improved communication awareness and strategies like paying attention to body language and the words we use, we can insure that what we say, and how we say it, is inclusive, kind and effective. Learning Objectives
Session Information: Social Media & Well-Being |
It is estimated that more than 4 billion people use social media worldwide. While there are so many positives to having vast social networks right at our finger tips, this presentation will highlight how, a few of the ways we engage on social media, might be having a negative impact on our overall well-being. Though there is such a complex dynamic between social media use and our mental health, there are strategies for ensuring that we can engage online safely, meaningfully, and in ways that prioritize our mental well-being. Learning Objectives
2nd Annual Women in Sport (W.I.N.S.) Weekend
Calling all women, girls and female identifying individuals looking to build their coaching resume. Join us to earn coaching certifications and meet other female coaches in a supportive and fun environment.
Coaches Association of Ontario (C.A.O) and the Town of Aurora have entered into an agreement to host in-person National Coaching Certification Program (N.C.C.P.) courses in Aurora. In efforts to support women on this journey, the Town has expanded programming to include childcare supervision. See more information about the course in the Q&A.
N.C.C.P. Certification: Making Ethical Decisions (M.E.D.)
Date - Saturday, March 29, 2025
Time - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location - Aurora Town Square (Nichols Program Room)
Important Details
- Childminding services available (see information below) at no cost.
- Only $10 to attend. Over 80% cost savings!
- Discount available for high school and college/university students.
- Learn more about the Making Ethical Decisions course.
Register Online - Making Ethical Decision
N.C.C.P. Certification: Fundamental Movement Skills (F.M.S.) & W.I.N.S. Luncheon
Date - Sunday, March 30, 2025
Time - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location - Aurora Town Square (Nichols Program Room)
Important Details
- Childminding services available (see information below) at no cost
- Lunch provided at no cost as part of the 2nd annual ‘Women in Sport Luncheon’
- Only $10 to attend. Over 80% cost savings!
- Discount available for high school and college/university students
- Learn more about the Fundamental Movement Skills course.
Register Online - Fundamental Movement Skills
Additional Details W.I.N.S. Weekend
- Registration: Mandatory for each course at e-PLAY.
- Attire: Please dress comfortably, bring a reusable water bottle, pen/paper and your electronic device with charger.
- Target Audience: Both sessions are appropriate for anyone 15+ years old involved in sport. Athletes, coaches, administrators, officials and parents are encouraged to attend.
- Subsidy Available: Visit our Fair Access webpage for more details.
- Discount Code: Female identifying high school, university or college students can use promo code WINS2025 to receive 50% off each course.
Why is W.I.N.S. Weekend a Priority? |
In alignment with the Sport Plan, the Town is committed to supporting women, and female identifying individuals to step into leadership roles. There is a need for more females in leadership positions in sport including coaches, officials and administrators. By creating a women’s only space to learn and connect, the Town is taking an active role in supporting women and girls on their coaching and leadership journey. "Current coaching data indicates that women are under-represented as coaches both nationally and internationally. The Coaching Association of Canada reported that of individuals who identified taking a National Coaching Certification Program (N.C.C.P.) course and recorded it within the Locker (a dedicated online tracking system) in 2019 only 34% were women, compared to 66% men and 0.1% another gender. With the caveat that these numbers do not include any non-N.C.C.P. training entered in the Locker or any training undertaken outside of the Coaching Association of Canada purview, there is an obvious gap in rates of training for women compared to men" (Canadian Women in Sport). |
What are the Childminding Services? |
In efforts to support women on this journey, the Town has expanded programming to include childcare supervision. Childminding services for female participants in the certification will be held in the same building as the certification course. Once registration has been confirmed, an email will be sent to the provided email address to register your child(ren). Register Online - Childminding Services Research shows that women and mothers are disproportionately impacted as it relates to childcare responsibilities. "The issues influencing this trend are mostly institutional and societal. Some examples of institutional barriers include greater discrimination than coaches who are men, barriers to hiring and professional advancement, salaries, access to resources, and more. Societal barriers such as sports and gender, networking and access discrimination. While creating programs to help prepare women for coaching and leadership roles within sport, the system itself must work to be more inclusive so that it appeals to and retains diverse women coaches." (Canadian Women in Sport). |
What is N.C.C.P.? |
The National Coaches Certification Program (N.C.C.P.) is the cornerstone of coach education in Canada. Coaches of all 65 federally recognized sports receive their training and certification through the N.C.C.P. The N.C.C.P. is for coaches at every context and for those coaching every age of athlete. N.C.C.P. workshops are designed for all types of coaches. Whether you’re thinking about coaching your child’s community team or you’re already the head coach of a national team, the N.C.C.P. has workshops to meet your needs. |
What is the Making Ethical Decisions Course? |
Making Ethical Decisions (M.E.D.): By successfully completing the N.C.C.P. Make Ethical Decisions (M.E.D.) training, coaches will be fully equipped to handle ethical situations with confidence and surety. This course is 4 hours long and worth 5 PD points. The training helps coaches identify the legal, ethical, and moral implications of difficult and potentially unsafe situations that present themselves in the world of team and individual sport. Upon completing the N.C.C.P. Make Ethical Decisions training, coaches will be able to:
What is the Fundamental Movement Skills Course? |
Fundamental Movement Skills (F.M.S.): By successfully completing the N.C.C.P. Fundamental Movement Skills (F.M.S.) training, coaches will be equipped to detect and correct basic errors for fundamental movement skills in participants so they have a choice to adopt a healthy, active lifestyle. This course is 5 hours long and worth 5 PD points. Upon completing the N.C.C.P. Fundamental Movement Skills (F.M.S.) training, coaches will be able to:
Basketball Coaching Pathways in Aurora
The Town of Aurora, in collaboration with Ontario Basketball Association (O.B.A.) and York North Basketball Association (Y.N.B.A.), is excited to offer workshops and certifications aimed at developing future basketball coaches. As part of the Town’s Sport Plan, Aurora is committed to supporting coaches in obtaining the necessary certifications to pursue their passion on the court.
Recently, the O.B.A. mandated that all coaches must have specific certifications to be on the sidelines. While this is a positive step to prioritize Safe Sport and ensure high-quality programs, this direction simultaneously presents challenges for various demographics looking to get involved in coaching. To address this, the Town, O.B.A. and Y.N.B.A. have partnered to offer Learn to Train (Level 1) and Train to Train (Level 2) certifications in Aurora.
Community Coach Certificate
The Community Coach Certification Pathway is open to any coach aged 15+ years old interested in obtaining Level 1 certification.
Certification: Level 1 (Learn to Train)
Date - Saturday, May 31 & Sunday, June 1, 2025
Time - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location - Aurora Family Leisure Complex (A.F.L.C.) & Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (S.A.R.C.)
Cost - $350
Reimbursement - All participants are eligible to apply for Quest for Gold (via Coaches Association of Ontario) funding for 60% reimbursement. Participants will receive information on application.
- Must be 15+ years old.
- Preference will be given to Aurora residents.
- Must attend both days of in-person certification.
- Payment received upon registration.
Register Online - Level 1: Learn to Train
Certification: Level 2 (Train to Train)
Date - Saturday, September 27 & Sunday, September 28, 2025
Time - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location - Aurora Family Leisure Complex (A.F.L.C.)
Cost - $400
Reimbursement - All participants are eligible to apply for Quest for Gold (via Coaches Association of Ontario) funding for 60% reimbursement. Participants will receive information on application.
- Must complete Level 1: Learn to Train (confirmation via OBA).
- Must be 15+ years old.
- Preference will be given to Aurora residents.
- Must attend both days of in-person certification.
- Payment received upon registration.
Register Online - Level 2: Train to Train
How Many Spots Are Available Per Certification? |
Each certification will have 24 spots available. |
Is There Reimbursement Available? |
Yes! All participants must pay in full at time of registration, and once the course is completed all participants will be able to claim up to 60% reimbursement via Quest For Gold. Information will be provided during the course. |
Who Can Attend The Female-Only Certifications? |
Participants must be female-identifying and must be 15+ years old to attend; preference will be given to Aurora residents. Note: All participants must attend both days of in-person certification. |
Who Can Attend The Community Coach Certifications? |
Participants must be 15+ years old to attend, and preference will be given to Aurora residents. Note: All participants must attend both days of in-person certification. |
What Is The ‘Girls Got Game’ Coach Certification Pathway? |
Female high school students volunteering in the 'Girls Got Game' program through Y.N.B.A. can follow a four-phase certification pathway. PHASE 1: Level 1 – Learn to Train Certification
PHASE 2: Volunteer in Girls Got Game (G.G.G.) Winter Program
PHASE 3: Level 2 – Learn to Compete Certification
PHASE 4: Coaching Role in Fall/Winter
This pathway provides an incredible opportunity for young female coaches to gain experience, receive mentorship, and build a career in coaching basketball. Girls-only spaces, whether in schools, clubs, or social organizations, offer a vital framework for personal growth, empowerment, and equality. They ensure that girls have the opportunity to thrive, grow, and feel secure. |
Why Should Youth Take These Certifications? |
Youth should sign-up for these basketball coaching certification programs because they offer a unique opportunity to develop valuable leadership skills, gain hands-on experience, and make a meaningful impact on the community. By becoming a certified coach, young people can turn their passion for basketball into a rewarding role that helps shape the next generation of athletes. Additionally, the program provides mentorship, career development, and the chance to be part of an inclusive and supportive network, empowering youth to build confidence, enhance their resume, and contribute to the sport they love. |
How Does This Align With The Sport Plan? |
This initiative aligns with the Town of Aurora's Sport Plan by promoting the development of local talent, fostering inclusivity, and ensuring high-quality sports programming. The Sport Plan emphasizes building a safe and supportive environment for athletes and coaches, and these certification programs follow that direction by prioritizing Safe Sport principles and accessible pathways for diverse groups. By offering basketball coaching certifications and targeting underrepresented groups, such as young female coaches, the Town is actively working toward its goal of increasing participation, enhancing skill development, and creating a sustainable sports community. |
Why Is The Town A Leader In Sport? |
By leading these initiatives, the Town can ensure that local residents have access to quality training, helping to build a robust network of qualified coaches who will, in turn, strengthen the local sports programs. Moreover, by addressing barriers to participation, particularly for underrepresented groups like young female coaches, the Town demonstrates a commitment to fostering equality, diversity, and empowerment in sports. Taking this leadership role also enhances the Town’s reputation as a forward-thinking community invested in the well-being and development of its youth, creating long-term benefits for both individuals and the broader community. |
What Is ‘Girls Got Game’? |
Skill Development Empowerment Through Sport! This program is focused on introducing girls to the game of basketball while building self-confidence through sport. The emphasis will be on developing fundamental movement and basketball skills in a fun, interactive environment. The participants will learn these skills through the use of a variety of activities and games. The program will also have older female athletes as coaches. Providing positive role modelling for the younger participants. This is for GIRLS ONLY and no experience is necessary. We are proud to play like girls! This program is facilitated by Jackie Zicaro, who has a background in Health and Physical Education and coaches at Sir William Mulock S.S. She is a coach with Y.N.B.A., and a Coach Developer for Basketball Canada’s Coaching Certification Program. |
Why Girls Only Spaces? |
Girls-only spaces, whether in schools, clubs, or social organizations, offer a vital framework for personal growth, empowerment, and equality. They ensure that girls have the opportunity to thrive, grow, and feel secure. Here's why they matter. 1. Empowerment and Confidence Building In many societies, girls are often socialized to be less assertive or take up less space. Girls-only environments can help counteract this by providing a setting where they can express themselves freely, develop leadership skills, and gain confidence without the fear of judgement or competition with boys. These spaces encourage girls to take risks, speak up, and be themselves in ways they might not in co-ed spaces. 2. Safety and Comfort Girls-only spaces provide a safe and supportive environment, free from potential harassment or discrimination. This is especially important in communities or contexts where girls may face gender-based violence or social pressures. In such spaces, girls can engage openly, share personal experiences, and support each other without feeling vulnerable or unsafe. 3. Fostering Gender Identity and Solidarity Girls-only spaces allow young women to explore their identities, share common experiences, and build camaraderie. They can discuss topics like body image, menstruation, or societal expectations without feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable, which helps to foster a sense of solidarity and mutual understanding. 4. Encouraging Participation in Traditionally Male-Dominated Fields In certain areas, such as S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering and math) or sports, girls often feel marginalized. Girls-only programs and spaces can encourage greater participation by removing societal pressures, fostering interest, and providing role models. For instance, girls are more likely to pursue S.T.E.M. activities when in a space free from the biases or competitiveness often present in co-ed environments. 5. Addressing Specific Needs Girls often have different developmental, psychological, and social needs compared to boys, particularly during adolescence. Girls-only spaces can be tailored to these needs, addressing topics like reproductive health, body image, mental health, and self-esteem in a way that resonates with girls and young women. 6. Challenging Gender Norms and Expectations These spaces challenge traditional gender norms by giving girls the opportunity to lead, explore interests, and pursue ambitions that may not be fully encouraged in mixed-gender settings. By offering a space free from typical societal expectations, girls can break stereotypes and build new paths for themselves. 7. Support During Transitional Phases As girls transition through different life stages, like puberty or entering higher education, girls-only spaces can provide essential emotional and psychological support. Whether through mentorship, peer support, or education, these environments help girls navigate complex changes in a positive and affirming way. |
Sport & Community Development Specialist