Aquatic Learn To Swim Programs

The Town of Aurora offers the Lifesaving Society’s Swim for Life program. Please view the Learn To Swim flowchart for more information about this program.

Registered Programs - Pre-registration is required for registered programs. Register online at e-PLAY or pay in-person at one of our recreation facilities (A.F.L.C. or S.A.R.C.).

Male swim instructor and child in water

Why Learn To Swim With Us?
  • Our program is focused on learning to swim. Program content is stroke and skill driven: entries and exits; surface support; underwater skills; Swim to Survive skills; movement/swimming skills; fitness; and Water Smart education. A fun program with achievable content is enjoyable for participants.
  • All of our Aquatic Instructors are certified with their National Lifeguard, Standard First Aid with C.P.R. “C” and Lifesaving Society Swim, Lifesaving and Emergency First Aid Instructors.
  • The Town of Aurora’s aquatic staff undergo over 140 hours of training prior to being hired as an Aquatic Instructor and then are required to undergo additional training each session.
  • Our Learn To Swim programs are F.A.I.R. Access (Fee Assistance in Recreation) eligible. Check out our F.A.I.R. Access webpage for full details.
First Time Taking Swimming Lessons?
  • We are excited to have you join us! All you need to bring is your bathing suit, towel and goggles (if preferred). We supply all equipment necessary. When you arrive, look for the Deck Supervisor (wearing a red shirt) and they will let you know where to wait for your swim class.
Make-Up Lessons
  • Make-up classes or credit due to participant’s illness or commitments will not be available. Where a pool may close in an untimely manner, every effort will be made to appropriately accommodate participants. If an accommodation is not possible (at the discretion of the Deck Supervisor) the classes will be ended. If over 50% of the class was taught then no credit or refund will be issued.
Aquatics Instructor Request
  • The Town of Aurora is an equal opportunity employer and as such is committed to recognising and celebrating the diversity of talent and expertise that make each person unique. The Aquatics division is pleased to offer instructor requests when we can, and we will do our best to accommodate your respective requests. However, please note the Town does not discriminate instructors based on traits within the Ontario Human Rights Code.
  • Once you are registered for a program, you may submit an Aquatics Instructor Request Form for a particular swim instructor. We will do our best to accommodate, however please note it may not always be possible due to factors beyond our control (such as the requested staff does not work that shift, or they have previously been requested elsewhere).

Aquatics Instructor Request Form

Please email our Aquatics staff if you have any questions.

Semi-Private Swim Lessons

Semi-Private Swim lessons are only recommended for individuals in the same level or a similar level. If more than one level apart (for example – Swimmer 3 and Swimmer 5), please email our Aquatics staff prior to the start of registration.

In order to obtain a Semi-Private Swim lesson, please follow these steps.

1 – Register for and secure a Private Swim lesson for one swimmer.

2 – Complete the Semi-Private Conversion Request form a minimum of 3 days prior to the start of the lesson.

  • Please ensure you have a valid email address and course code listed when making this request.

3 – Aquatics staff will review the available pool space at the time of your class and approve/deny the request for a Semi-Private swim lesson.

4 – Aquatics staff will forward the request to our Customer Service staff, who will be in touch with the patron and begin the conversion.

  • Note: The cost of a Semi-Private is calculated per child per class.
  • The Town of Aurora does not match participants. Interested customers must supply both individuals.
  • Aquatics staff will do their best to accommodate each request. However, pool space for those higher levels might not be available at the time of the Private Swim lesson.

Semi-Private Conversion Request Form

Small Group Private Swim Lessons
  • Small Group Private Swim lessons are only recommended for individuals in the same level or a similar level. If more than one level apart (for example – Swimmer 5 and Adult 1), please email our Aquatics staff prior to the start of registration.
  • Parents and children can learn to swim together. In order to obtain a Small Group Private Swim lesson, please follow these steps:

1 – Register for a Private Swim lesson for one swimmer.

2 – Email our Customer Service staff a minimum of 3 days prior to the start of the lesson to create the Small Group Private Swim lesson.

Specialty Programs

Specialty - Swim Development

  • These classes are designed for candidates who have unsuccessfully completed a Swimmer 1 to Swimmer 6 level. It will provide practical skill development for incomplete items. A maximum of 4 swimmers per class.

Specialty - Family Swim Lessons

  • Register for this time slot rather than a particular level. A real time saver for large families. Suitable for Preschool – Steps 1 to 5 and Swimmer 1 to 6. Multiple levels may be combined into a class. Family members may not necessarily be together. Class sizes will vary. A maximum of 4 swimmers per class.
Program Transfers

The Town of Aurora offers an easy way to transfer your skills from one program to another.

  • If you are joining our program from any other Learn to Swim program, please take a free swim assessment completed prior to registration.
Designated Viewing Areas

All spectators are asked to watch from the designated viewing areas.

  • A.F.L.C. Pool - There is a viewing area along the windows on the east side of the pool deck or from the hallway to the pool on the west side of the pool.
  • S.A.R.C. Pool - There is a viewing gallery at the north end of the pool that is accessible from the lobby.

Swim Assessments

Whether it is your first time taking swimming lessons, or it has been a while since you last participated, we offer free swim assessments to help ensure that you are registering for the correct swim level.

  • Swim assessments take approximately 10 minutes.
  • A swim assessment is not required for Private Swim lessons, as the Aquatic Instructor will complete this on the first class.
  • Note: A guardian is required to go in the pool to support the swimmer if the swimmer is under the age of 10 and is unable to complete the facility swim test. For more information, see our Pool Admission Policy webpage for full details.
Do I Need a Swim Assessment?

Please see this helpful flowchart to determine which Learn To Swim level to register for or if you need a swim assessment.

Age & Level

If the swimmer is between the ages of 4 to 12 months on the first day of the program.

Register in Parent & Tot 1.

If the swimmer is between the ages of 12 to 24 months on the first day of the program.

Register in Parent & Tot 2.

If the swimmer is between the ages of 24 to 36 months on the first day of the program.

Register in Parent & Tot 3.

If the swimmer is between the ages of 3 to 5 years by the last day of the program.

And has little to no exposure to swimming (swim lessons, leisure swims, backyard pool, open water, etc.), register in Preschool 1. 

And has never been in formal swim lessons but is comfortable in a swimming pool or open water, register in Preschool 2. 

And has had formal swim lessons, but it has been more than a year or you are uncertain of the level, register for a Swim Assessment.

If the swimmer is between the ages of 6 to 12 years by the last day of the program.

And has little exposure to swimming (swim lessons, leisure swims, backyard pool, open water, etc.), register in Swimmer 1. 

And has had formal swim lessons, but it has been more than a year or you are uncertain of the level, register for a Swim Assessment.

If the swimmer is over the age of 12 on the last day of the program.


And has little exposure to swimming (swim lessons, leisure swims, lane swims, backyard pool, open water, etc.), register in Teen or Adult 1. 

And has had formal swim lessons, but it has been more than a year or you are uncertain of the level, register for a Swim Assessment.

What to Bring
  • Most recent swimming report card (regardless of program)
  • Bathing suit and towel
  • Goggles (recommended)
How to Obtain a Swim Assessment
  • Facility swim assessments are completed at the Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (S.A.R.C.) during leisure swims. If you are interested in staying for the leisure swim once our assessment is complete, please speak with the Customer Service reception desk upon arrival.
  • Simply speak with a Deck Supervisor or Lifeguard on deck and an assessment can be arranged.
  • Multiple family members can be assessed at once.

Finished Swimmer 6 - Now What?

Once your child has completed Swimmer 6, there are multiple options for next steps based on age (see chart below). For more information, please visit our Aquatic Leadership webpage for full details.

Age & Next Steps
Age & Next Steps
AgeNext Steps

If you are under the age of 12 years

  • Swimmer 7
  • Bronze Prep
  • Fitness Swimmer
  • Aurora Lifesaving Club (A.L.C.)

If you are between the ages of 12 to 13 years

  • Lifesaving Society Bronze Star
  • Bronze Prep
  • Fitness Swimmer
  • Aurora Lifesaving Club (A.L.C.)

If you are over the age of 13 years

  • Bronze Prep
  • Fitness Swimmer
  • Aurora Lifesaving Club (A.L.C.)
  • Lifesaving Society Bronze Medallion

Aurora Lifesaving Club

Lifesaving Sport is an exciting way for athletes to combine both swimming skills and aquatic lifesaving skills.

What is Lifesaving Sport

Image of swimmers in water

Lifesaving Sport is an emerging aquatic sport that focuses on developing swimming skills and fitness through lifesaving activities. Our certified Coaches will teach participants how to use various lifesaving equipment, such as rescue tubes, manikins and throw ropes. Team athletes will also have an opportunity to attend regional and provincial competitions. This is a perfect youth training program for future lifeguards.

Lifesaving Sport - More Information

Aquatic Inclusion Services

The Town of Aurora welcomes and encourages residents of all abilities to have equitable and meaningful access to recreation opportunities. For more information about Inclusive Aquatic Programs, please visit our Inclusion Services webpage for full details.


Aquatics Staff
Email Aquatics staff