Contact Information: 905-726-4700 |

Consent and Minor Variance applications may be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer through our online Portal. In order to access the portal, you must register as a user click on the register with Portal to create your account.

Fees are payable by cheque only, made out to the Town of Aurora, and can be mailed to 

Town of Aurora, Attn: Planning Department

100 John West Way

Aurora, ON  L4G 6J1

Alternatively, the cheque can be dropped off directly to the Planning Department located on the 3rd floor of Town Hall.  * When attending Aurora Town Hall, please enter through the main entrance doors located on the first floor and take the elevator located to the left of the reception area to the third floor, there is no need to check-in with Access Aurora. Once on the third floor, please proceed to the Planning office where you can deliver your cheque to the Planning reception.*

*Please be sure to indicate what the cheque is for (e.g., Fee for minor variance application for 12 Jones St).

To view the meeting live stream, please visit the Town of Aurora’s YouTube Channel.

You may express your views about any application, for consideration by the Committee, in the following ways:

  1. Participate in the electronic meeting as a live delegate (by phone or video); and/or
  2. Provide written comments.

NOTE: If you would like to participate in the electronic meeting as a live delegate, please send a Delegation Request to the Secretary-Treasurer. Requests must be provided no later than two (2) business days before the scheduled meeting.

Committee of Adjustment Delegation Request Form 

Written comments must be received by noon on the day of the meeting.

If you would like to be notified of the decision, please use the Request for Further Notice Form to submit your details.

If you have any questions, please contact the Secretary-Treasurer via email or at 905-726-4711.

The Ontario Planning Act establishes the authority for the Committee of Adjustment to make decisions on minor variances, permissions and consents on property submitted by the applicant and/or their agent. The Committee of Adjustment is a committee appointed by Council comprised of five Town of Aurora residents that meet on a monthly basis.