Zoning By-law 6000-17
What is the Zoning By-law? |
The Zoning By-law is a legal document that; regulates the use of land, applies performance standards such as setbacks, lot sizes and height, sets general provisions such as parking requirements, permitted ancillary uses, and provisions applying to non-conforming buildings and includes bylaw definitions and by-law enforcement criteria. The Zoning By-law regulates development and uses on all lands within the Town of Aurora. The Zoning Bylaw and amendments to the Bylaw are applied by authority under Section 34 of the Planning Act. |
What is the purpose of a Zoning By-law? |
The Zoning By-law implements the goals and policies as outlined in Town of Aurora's Official Plan. Zoning standards and associated mapping separates lands into distinct classifications such as residential, commercial, industrial, open space and environmental protection zones. Within each zone category standards are further outlined to address such matters as types of permitted uses, appropriate lot size and setbacks of buildings. These standards provide legally enforceable regulations for development, which is administrated by the Town's Building Services division to ensure the Town's standards are upheld. |
Why is the Town conducting a Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review? |
In January of 2024, the Town of Aurora Council adopted the Town’s Updated Official Plan. It was subsequently approved by the Region of York in May 2024. As per the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Town’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law must be updated to conform to the contents of the newly adopted and approved Official Plan. There will be several public consultation activities throughout the course of the project to ensure that residents are given the opportunity to provide feedback. Please follow along with the project at: https://engageaurora.ca/zoningbylawreview |
Review Process |
The Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review is a collaborative and coordinated process which will involve the preparation of background reports and discussion papers, and various public consultation activities to inform the updates to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The Review seeks to update the existing Town’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law to ensure alignment with the newly adopted Official Plan, reflect up-to-date zoning practices and recent Council decisions regarding land use planning, and guide the future growth and development of the Town. |