Council has directed that three Public Planning Meetings be held to inform the public and receive public input on the Highland Gate Developments Inc.'s Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Proposed Plan of Subdivision Planning Applications.

Geranium Homes established the website which contains information about Highland Gate and identifies all Complete Application documents submitted to the Town with their Planning Applications for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning bylaw Amendments and Proposed Plan of Subdivision.

Below are links to information about and resulting from the three Public Meetings, along with additional information:

 Highland Gate Redevelopment Announcements

On Monday, December 15, 2014, the residents of the Highland Gate Golf Course area elected Mr. David Newton as President of the rate-payers association. They are currently working through getting themselves set up as an officially registered RPA.

For more information, please contact Dianne Grassie, Secretary, at


On November 3, 2014, ClubLink announced that "Highland Gate Golf Club would be closing November 10, 2014 and will not re-open in 2015." ClubLink is "pursuing alternative uses" for the property.

As of Thursday, November 13, 2014, ClubLink advised the Town that no decision has been made on the sale of Highland Gate Golf Club. Further, the Town has received no applications or permit requests with respect to the property.

If a planning and development application is made concerning the property the Town will carefully evaluate all proposals to ensure that community and environmental concerns are addressed, and will:

  • Engage the community throughout the application process via a series of public consultations with Highland Golf Club neighbours, residents and other stakeholders.
  • Work to ensure environmental protection for environmentally-significant areas.
  • Work to best meet the interests of the community and environment, while balancing these needs against potential new home construction. 
  • Work with all stakeholder groups and potential developers for a solution that best addresses growth and preservation needs.
What is the purpose of the Public Planning Meetings?

The purpose of the Public Planning Meetings is to obtain public input on the planning applications.
Public comments can be provided at the Public Planning Meeting or submitted in writing to the
Planning Department.

What will be provided at the meetings?

A brief information report from staff will be available at the Public Planning Meetings that will consist of a description of the applications, any background information and general comments on the initial submission.

Planning staff will present the purpose of the Planning Applications and the applicant will
then present their applications in greater detail.

Will there be a decision on the application at the meetings?

No. A Council decision on the planning applications is not intended to be made at the Public Planning Meetings. A decision may be made at a future meeting of Aurora Town Council. Council will receive the applications on June 24, 2015.

How is the Public being informed of the meetings?

Public Meeting Notification respecting the Planning Applications will be given at least 20 days before the Public Planning meetings in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, and Council Policy by:

  • Individual Mail Notices to every owner of land within 120 metres (400 feet) of the subject lands,
  • Public Meeting Notices will also be placed in both The Banner and The Auroran newspapers
  • Public Meeting Notification by ground Signage on the subject property
Where can I get more information on the Planning Process?

The following links describe in general terms how the Town processes and reviews these types of planning applications. Note, the planning applications are being reviewed concurrently.

Related Information