For the Office of Mayor & Regional Councillor 

Candidate   Number of Votes Percentage (%)
DAWE, Geoff 8,903 68.44
GALLO, John 4,106 31.56
TOTAL 13,009 100.00

For the Office of Councillor 

Candidate Number of Votes Percentage (%)
ABEL, John 6,098 8.24
HUMFRYES, Sandra 5,052 6.83
THOMPSON, Michael  4,974 6.72
THOM, Jeff 4,921 6.65
GAERTNER, Wendy 4,605 6.23
KIM,  Harold 4,098 5.54
MRAKAS,  Tom 3,826 5.17
PIRRI, Paul 3,760 5.08
BUCK, Evelyn 3,719 5.03
ABRAM, Jim 3,016 4.08
DESAI, Arshad 2,676                3.62
STEPHENS, Linda 2,489 3.36
PULLANO, Anthony 2,440 3.30
CHAPMAN, Bob 2,320 3.14
COHEN, Roy 2,021 2.73
BARKER, Barb 2,003 2.71
COOK, Greg 1,895 2.56
CLARK, Ian 1,707 2.31
TOPOUZOVA, Svetla 1,650 2.23
LALAS, Alice 1,580 2.14
PLAMONDON, Tom 1,554 2.10
BARRETT, Carl 1,418 1.92
HEARD, David 1,405 1.90
BRIGGS, Terri 1,250 1.69
HOYES, James 1,068 1.44
VRBANATZ, Frank 1,025 1.39
NEY, Michael 915 1.24
ETWELL, Mark 484 0.65
TOTAL 73,969 100.00

2014 Questions on the Ballot

Question YES (%) NO (%) TOTAL (%)
Question 1: "Are you in favour of electing all Aurora councillors, other than the Mayor, by ward vote instead of general Town-wide vote?" 5,512 45.25 6,670 54.75 12,182 100
Question 2: "Are you in favour of reducing the number of Aurora councillors, other than the Mayor, from eight (8) councillors to six (6) councillors?" 8,060 64.55 4,427 35.45 12,487 100

York Catholic District School Board Trustee

Candidate Number of Votes Percentage (%)
CROWE, Elizabeth 3,354 62.38
SULLIVAN, Mark 2,023 37.62
TOTAL 5,377 100.00

York Region District School Board Trustee (Aurora/King)

Candidate Number of Votes Percentage (%)
ADAMS-LUCHOWSKI, Peter 4,432 45.71
NOUDELMAN, Alex 2,976 30.69
USVAT, Liliana  2,288 23.60
TOTAL 9,696 100.00

Voter Turnout

Eligible Electors 37,123
Voter Turnout 35.74%