COVID-19 Updates: Visit our COVID-19 webpage for full details and up-to-date information.

Local Sport Organizations

Local Sport Organizations are integral to providing positive sporting experiences to the community.  Through the work of the Sport Plan, a number of initiatives and resources are available to organizations. 

Resources during COVID-19

The following information provides resources to support your organization during this time.

Sport Law & Strategy Group
Sport Law & Strategy Group

Sport Law & Strategy Group provides support to sport organizations. This includes: legal solutions; staff development, coaching and HR management; planning and research; governance and compliance services; communications and marketing.

Recent articles:

Engaging your members through fun activities

Kahoot can be used to play trivia with members. Users can make their own Kahoot trivia questions or use existing games on the site.

How to use Kahoot - instructions

Scavenger Hunt Template

Thank you to the Aurora Minor Hockey Association - Minor Peewee AA for sharing their scavenger hunt for others to use as an idea for their team or members.

AMHA Minor Peewee AA - Scavenger hunt list

Inclusion in Sport Manual

This Inclusion in Sport manual is designed to provide coaches and staff with the tools, resources, and information necessary to create inclusive experiences and learn more about how they can positively impact families of children and youth with additional needs.

Inclusion in Sport Manual
Inclusion in Sport Manual

Women and Girls in Sport

Town of Aurora is collaborating with the community to build capacity to engage women and girls in physical activity and sport. 

Gender Equity Plan - Report and Infographic

In November 2019, Town of Aurora entered into a partnership with Canadian Women & Sport to review and develop recommendations related to gender equity in sport. The project includes a survey of Local Sport Organizations and Town of Aurora, consultation workshop with members of the community and representatives from the sport community and a final report to guide initiatives for more engagement of women in sport. The report provides six key priority gaps that will be the focus over the next two years. The first step is to develop a Sport Equity & Inclusion Committee which the Town of Aurora is in the process of creating. The following links provide the full report from Canadian Women & Sport, as well as an infographic summarizing the report.

Town of Aurora Gender Equity Consultation Report - Updated March 1, 2020

Gender Equity Plan - Infographic Flyer


Volunteers are integral to sport at the community level. The steps to recruit and train a volunteer can take time and be overwhelming for all involved.

Volunteer Orientation Manual Template
In order to support the process, the following Volunteer Orientation Manual template has been created for use by Local Sport Organizations. The template provides a framework of information that should be provided to each new volunteer that joins the organization. The template highlights areas that should be adapted to your organization. 

Courses and Workshops

Town of Aurora will be hosting a variety of courses and workshops for coaches, volunteers and administrators in the year ahead. The most up to date information about upcoming courses and workshops can be found here. 

Please check back regularly for updated courses and workshops.

Healthy Return to Sport Workshop

The Town of Aurora recognizes that mental and physical health is an integral part of overall health. Furthermore, we recognize that the pandemic has had a negative impact for so many on both mental and physical health. Sport will continue to play a critical role in supporting our community in their return to physical activity, which will in turn have a positive impact on mental health. 

To support those that are the front line of sport, the Town of Aurora is providing coaches registered with a Local Sport Organization with an amazing opportunity to participate in the FREE Healthy Return to Sport delivered by Lauren Brett from Sport Law & Strategy Group. Local Sport Organizations must be registered and in good standing with their Provincial Sport Organization in order for their coaches to participate in this program.

As we know, the pandemic has asked a lot of us as human beings, and many of us are feeling uncertain and drained, even as we feel excited to begin to shift from lock-down to Return to Sport. We are being asked to move into "new" once again, and with each phase of return to sport we are each going to have to learn new behaviours as part of keeping ourselves, and those around us, physically and psychologically healthy and safe. This three-part virtual workshop is a conversation that goes beyond the “X’s and O’s” of returning to sport.

Session One

  • May 20, 27 and June 1 – 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Session Two

  • August 17, 24 and 31 – 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Session Three

  • September 18, 25 and October 2 – 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

To register for one of the above sessions, please email Erin Hamilton

Updating Your Bylaws

The Town of Aurora is hosting a free workshop facilitated by Steve Indig from Sport Law on bylaws for non-profit sport organizations. The meeting will focus on the impact of Ontario Non-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) on bylaws, the updates that need to be made as a result and a bylaw template that meets all of the requirements for ONCA. 

  • Tuesday, October 19 - 7 p.m.

To register for this workshop, please email Erin Hamilton

Policy Development & Implementation

The Town of Aurora is hosting a free workshop facilitated by Steve Indig from Sport Law on the top five policies any sport organizations should have in place. The workshop will review the five policies, why they are important and how to effectively implement in your organization. Each organization will receive a template for each of the five policies. 

  • Tuesday, November 23 - 7 p.m.

To register for this workshop, please email Erin Hamilton