Seeking artists and horticultural experts to create wood carvings, healing garden and community garden plot program.

Indigenous artists and groups, along with horticulturalist are encouraged to submit their expression of interest to create artistic and educational features for John Abel Park.

Expression of interest is now open for three separate features to be installed at John Abel Park.

  • Indigenous artist to create wood pole carvings that will be featured on the park pathway.
  • Indigenous consultant to advise and assist in the design and implementation of an educational healing garden.
  • Dedicated volunteer or volunteer group to manage and facilitate the annual programming associated with the community garden plot program.

“Councillor John Abel was a dedicated member of our community and had a strong passion for arts, culture, and nature. This park stands not only as a tribute to his memory but as a vibrant canvas for our collective creativity,” said Mayor Tom Mrakas. “John Abel Park will provide residents and visitors with a place to find peace and serenity amongst the beauty of the healing garden, view a story told though the artists carvings and be part of our community.”

The park is located on Hartwell Way and will include a community garden plot program, natural amphitheatre and a nature inspired play area. The park is expected to be completed in summer 2024.

To find out more about John Abel Park or to submit your expression of interest, please visit