Aurora Town Council held its last scheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 9 and will now enter a summer break until Committee meetings resume on Tuesday, September 3.
Turn Prohibitions at St. John’s Sideroad and Old Yonge Street
Aurora Town Council heard a presentation by York Region staff regarding a one-year pilot program for turn restrictions at St. John’s Sideroad and Old Yonge Street. The restrictions will be no left turns from 7
a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday, and no crossing St. John’s Sideroad (while travelling north and south on Old Yonge Street) during same hours. The pilot program will start this summer.
Community Reflection Space Location
Aurora Town Council has chosen Town Hall for the Community Reflection Space. Staff will report back to Council with a proposed design, timeline and budget. This space, identified as needed by the Town’s Indigenous Relations Committee in 2023, will be a place for the community to come together during difficult times to reflect and pay respects.
Updated Corporate Asset Management Plan and Natural Asset Management Plan
Aurora Town Council approved the Corporate Asset and Natural Asset Management Plans along with proposed service measures and targets. These plans help manage the Town’s assets like roads, parks, buildings, and natural resources to keep them in good condition. An Asset Management Plan is regularly updated with new data to track progress and reassess infrastructure. The Town completed these plans to meet Ontario’s legislated requirements ahead of schedule.
Windrow Pilot Program Extension – Service Delivery Options
Aurora Town Council decided to continue with windrow service after a successful one-year pilot, using a cost recovery model where participants will be charged a fee to reduce the overall cost to the Town. A survey of participants indicated that 96 per cent would like to see the Windrow Removal Pilot Program continue. Staff will bring a report back to Council in September outlining the eligibility criteria, and options for a subsidy for the program for those with low income.
Sidewalk Winter Maintenance
Aurora Town Council approved increasing the number of sidewalk winter maintenance routes from eight to ten for the 2024/2025 winter season. Although the road and sidewalk network has grown by 25 per cent over the last decade, the number of sidewalk machines or routes has not been updated. A review shows that Aurora’s sidewalk routes are longer than those in other regional municipalities. This new plan will reduce each route to approximately 25 kilometres, allowing established service levels to be met. This change will add $120,000 to the budget to cover the increased contract.
Bike Share Feasibility Study
Aurora Town Council approved moving forward with a Request for Information for a Bike Share Program. This follows a feasibility study completed by staff in collaboration with an external consulting firm with recommendations, an implementation plan and potential funding strategies. The RFI aims to gauge vendor interest and explore sustainable models. The gathered information will help create a detailed implementation plan and funding options. The results will be presented to Council at a future meeting.
Design of Active Transportation Facilities – Yonge Street Bloomington Road to Rail Bridge
Aurora Town Council approved an additional $129,200 for the design of Yonge Street active transportation facilities between Bloomington Road and the Metrolinx rail bridge. These facilities will provide a major north-south link for pedestrians and cyclists, connecting to other paths and bike lanes. The original budget for this project was $200,000 but due to higher inflation and labour costs, more funds are needed. The project will also explore cost-sharing opportunities, including partnerships with the York Region Pedestrian and Cycling Partnership Program.
Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications – Gervais Development Corp
Aurora Town Council approved amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to allow for the development of a 7-storey apartment building with a total of 193 units at 180,182 Centre Crescent. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment will rezone the subject lands to “Second Density Apartment Residential Exception (RA2-XX) Zone”.
Aurora Promenade Streetscape Detailed Design
Aurora Town Council approved the award of a Non-Standard Procurement (NSP) for the capital project of designing the Aurora Promenade Streetscape to CIMA+, due to no valid bids during the competitive procurement process. The purpose of the NSP is to retain a qualified engineering consultant to complete the detailed design of the proposed streetscape for the downtown promenade area and sanitary sewer rehabilitation at Yonge Street (between Church Street and Wellington Street).
Motion to Add Accessible Swing as Part of Town Park Playground Replacement Project
A motion put forward by Councillor Ron Weese and supported by Council requests the Town Park Playground Replacement project be increased by $33,000 to accommodate the installation of an accessible swing.