Posted on Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Support of York Region’s position to protect Greenbelt and Oak Ridges Moraine

Aurora Town Council on Tuesday adopted a motion that supports York Region’s position that proposed provincial boundary amendments to the Greenbelt and Oak Ridges Moraine are not required to build more housing in York Region. In November 2022, the Ontario Government put forward proposed amendments to the Green Belt Plan that would redesignate or remove 330 hectares of protected land in York Region for urban development. A report from York Region notes, however, that there is already adequate opportunity for housing in York Region to address the province’s accelerated growth targets through intensification and expanded, approved urban boundaries, without the need for the amendments. The same report notes that the Greenbelt, which the Oak Ridges Moraine is part of, provides an important role in the ecological health of the Region, offers agricultural and recreational opportunities for a high quality of life, and that the province should consult meaningfully with partners including York Region, municipalities, and Conservation Authorities in support of opportunities for housing while protecting the Greenbelt.

Report on snow windrow removal

Council on Tuesday passed a motion put forward by Councillor Rachel Gilliland for staff to report back on the feasibility of introducing a program where older residents or those living with disabilities can apply to have their windrows cleared of snow. A windrow is the pile of snow left at the end of a driveway that is created by snowplows when they clear the roads and can be physically challenging for some residents to remove. The motion notes that other municipalities, including King, Markham, and Whitchurch-Stouffville, have developed a special application for a snow windrow removal assistance program to address the needs of some residents.

Council Appointments to Boards and Committees

The following Committee Appointments for the 2022-2026 Term of Council were confirmed on Tuesday:

  • Accessibility Advisory Committee – Councillor Harold Kim
  • Aurora Economic Development Corporation – Mayor Tom Mrakas and Councillor Rachel Gilliland
  • Aurora Public Library Board – Councillors John Gallo and Ron Weese
  • Aurora Cultural Centre Board – Councillors Harold Kim and Michael Thompson
  • Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee – Councillor Ron Weese
  • Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee – Mayor Tom Mrakas • Environmental Advisory Committee – Councillors Wendy Gaertner and Rachel Gilliland
  • Finance Advisory Committee – Mayor Tom Mrakas, Councillors Michael Thompson and Ron Weese
  • Heritage Advisory Committee – Councillor John Gallo • Joint Council Committee – Councillors John Gallo, Wendy Gaertner, and Rachel Gilliland (previously approved by Council on December 13, 2022)
  • Active Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee – Councillor John Gallo