Food Insecurity in Aurora

Aurora Town Council received a report regarding food insecurity in Aurora and made a commitment to support the York Region Food Charter. Based on a report from York Region, there are one in seven households experiencing some sort of food insecurity affecting their access to food. Even though food insecurity is managed by upper levels of government and the not-for-profit/charitable sector, the local municipality can do its part to support this growing concern. Council also authorized Town staff to continue to work with local agencies and York Region in pursuit of food security for Aurora residents.

Aurora Town Square Resident Theatre Group

Aurora Town Council authorized Town staff to enter into a five-year agreement with Marquee Theatrical Productions Inc. to be Aurora Town Square’s Resident Theatre Group. As a volunteer driven and professionally managed community organization, Marquee was founded in 2003 and is an award-winning registered charitable theatre group and performing arts school located in Aurora. In exchange for consistent use of Town Square, ongoing volunteer support at Town special events and program collaboration, Marquee would be provided a 25 per cent discount on not-for-profit rental rates.

Technology Strategic Plan Update

Aurora Town Council received an update to the Technology Strategic Plan. Council first adopted the five- year Technology Strategic Plan in 2019. Many of the actions recommended in the Plan have been completed and are underway. The technology landscape at the Town has evolved greatly over the past five years with the move to cloud-based solutions, automation of business processes and providing more web-based access to residents. The next iteration of the Plan scheduled for 2025, will continue to move the Town forward to optimize the use of technology.

Aurora Business Improvement Area Annual Report 2023

Aurora Town Council received the Aurora Business Improvement Association’s (BIA) 2023 audited financial statements and approved the 2024 budget of $95,842. A $20,000 conditional contribution from the Town will be provided to the BIA to support their 2024 work plan, funded from the Economic Development Reserve fund. Council requested the BIA Board report back on how the Board is going to address the governance issues raised in a previous staff report by June 30, 2024.

Thelma Fielding Park Development

Aurora Town Council received and approved the final park design and budget requirements for the construction of a community park within the Shining Hill Development on St. John’s Sideroad. The park development is a partnership between St. Anne’s School, Shining Hill and the Town to construct a park inclusive of an artificial turf, splashpad, playground, pickleball courts, washrooms and a multi-use court. The Town is in the process of finalizing a tri-party cost sharing agreement for this park with the developer and St. Anne’s School with the Town’s share of the project estimated to be $4,310,000, funded from the Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Reserve and from the Parks and Recreation Development Charges Reserve.

Motion on Xeriscaping on Town Boulevards

A motion put forward by Mayor Tom Mrakas and adopted by Council requests staff to report back on the feasibility of implementing xeriscaping on Town boulevards Town-wide. Xeriscaping is a water-efficient landscaping method that promotes the use of drought-resistant and native plants, reducing the need for irrigation and conserving water resources and reducing yard trimmings. Xeriscaping is currently considered an encroachment under Town Bylaws and not currently allowed.