Incident Type: House Fire
Date: December 25, 2024
Time of Call: 5:55 p.m.
Ward: 5
Address / location of incident: Baywell Cresent, Aurora
Description: Central York Fire Services (CYFS) responded to reports of a bedroom fire. The first arriving CYFS unit reported smoke and a working fire.
The first arriving crew located and extinguished the fire.
Cause of incident: The cause of the incident is undetermined.
Casualties / Injuries: No injuries to report.
Community Impact: Baywell Cresent was closed to traffic at the time of the incident but now reopened.
Current Status: CYFS has fully extinguished the fire. Fire was limited to one bedroom.
Resources Used: CYFS responded with four trucks, and a Chief Officer. CYFS worked in collaboration with York Regional Police, York Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Alectra and Enbridge Gas.
For more information contact:
Claude Duval, Assistant Deputy Chief