Aurora Mayor Tom Mrakas has reconvened a taskforce to help vulnerable residents connect with important supports and services in the community.

The Aurora Cares Community Action Team was originally created during the COVID-19 pandemic to support residents experiencing homelessness, seniors, people living with disabilities and those who rely on food banks. As the pandemic subsided, the Action Team paused its work, but has now been reestablished to provide ongoing support to community members.

“The reality is that there continues to be many residents in Aurora who aren’t aware of, or can’t access, important supports and services,” said Mayor Mrakas. “That’s why we’re bringing back the Action Team, made up of community members from a wide range of backgrounds, who can identify needs amongst vulnerable groups, and who also have the time and resources to connect their fellow residents with help they may need.”

In addition to Mayor Mrakas, the Action Team includes: Wendy Browne, president of the Aurora Rotary Club; York Regional Police Superintendent Russ Bellman; Sandra Humfryes, former Aurora town councillor; Rosalyn Gonsalves, former general manager of the Aurora Chamber of Commerce; Doug Steele, chair of Welcoming Arms; Captain Fred Reid, lead pastor of the Northridge Community Church, Salvation Army; Angela Covert, Community Relations Representative, Northridge Community Church, Salvation Army; and Aurora residents Marco Di Girolamo and Alexandra Bonham.

The reestablished Action Team held its first meeting on May 13 where it discussed new ways to connect vulnerable community members to available services, as well as any potential in-kind supports it may be able to provide. The Action Team also discussed revising the resource guide it developed during COVID-19 to include updated information and links and include housing supports.

The Action Team plans to meet once per month.