Energy |
Tier 1: Applicant is required to meet all criteria.
Metric: EN1.1.1 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria. |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
Appropriate electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure is provided accordingly:
- Low-rise residential – For each dwelling unit with a residential parking space, a minimum one (1) vehicle space per unit is provided with an energized outlet or rough in, capable of providing Level 2 EV charging or higher to the parking space.
- Multi-unit apartments/townhomes with shared, common onsite residential parking spaces –A minimum of 50% of residential parking spaces (excluding visitor parking) provided with an adjacent energized outlet or rough in, capable of providing Level 2 charging or higher to the parking space, either dedicated to the parking space or using an Energy Management System.
- All non-residential development – A minimum 20% of required parking spaces are provided with an adjacent energized outlet or rough in, capable of providing Level 2 charging or higher to the parking space.
Where barrier-free parking spaces are required (refer to Town of Aurora Zoning by-law #600-17), ensure that at least one (1) barrier free space incorporates the requirements for appropriate EV infrastructure. |
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report (GDR) Webform
- Site Plan Drawings
- Building Permit Drawings
How compliance is demonstrated |
- Green Development Report – Submit project parking statistics in the Green Development Report that includes number of E.V.S.E spaces.
- Site Plan Drawings– Notations identifying location of E.V.S.E spaces and roughed-in spaces.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning file Planner
- Transportation Analyst where further support is required
- Building Department review for compliance
Other |
An “energized outlet” refers to a connected point in an electrical wiring installation at which current is taken to supply utilization equipment. Energized outlets are to be labelled for the intended use for electric vehicle charging. For additional information on EV infrastructure, please refer to the Clean Air Partnership website.
Metric: EN1.1.2 |
Tier 1
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
Requirement |
Ensure building(s) is designed to accommodate future connections to solar PV or solar thermal technologies. |
Where to demonstrate compliance |
How compliance is demonstrated |
- Letter of Intent – Submit a Letter of Intent, signed by the project’s architect and/or engineer, committing that all new buildings will be designed for solar readiness. Design considerations to ensure a building is “solar ready” include: electrical conduit/plumbing riser built into base building, roof capacity accounts for weight/lift of renewable energy technologies, and delivery and space allocation for fuel deliver/storage.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning File Planner
- Building Division/Chief Building Official
Other |
The applicant may refer to Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) Solar Ready Guidelines Version 1.1 (2013) for guidance on design considerations and modifications to prepare a building for the installation of a future solar system. These Guidelines are intended to be simple and inexpensive to implement, while enabling significant savings in installation costs should a homeowner choose to install a complete solar system in the future.
Metric: EN1.1.3 |
Tier 1
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
Requirement |
Develop an energy model for the building project using a third-party building energy simulation software. |
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Energy Model File, GDR Webform
How compliance is demonstrated |
- Energy Model File – Provide file for the entire building project produced by a third-party renewable energy modelling tool. Submit the file as part of a complete application package.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
- Building Division/Chief Building Official
Other |
Metric: EN1.1.4 |
Tier 1
Applicable to |
- Mixed use, Mid-rise residential and all non-residential Site Plans and applications in Major Transit Station Areas
Requirement |
Conduct a feasibility study to explore options to connect to existing and/or develop on-site energy generation systems. This may be done by Energy system provider feasibility report. |
Where to demonstrate compliance |
How compliance is demonstrated |
- Green Development Report – Describe in the Green Development Report how the feasibility study will conducted. This may describe third-party partners consulted as part of the process (e.g., Enbridge).
- Feasibility Study – Provide proof of feasibility study in addition to describing how the feasibility study will be completed in the Green Development Report. This may be subject to peer review.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning file Planner and engineering peer review may be included
Other |
Applicants may choose to consult with an Energy Solutions Advisor through the Enbridge Savings by Design program.
Tier 2: Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria.
Metric EN1.2.1 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
Requirement |
Appropriate electric vehicle supply equipment (E.V.S.E) is provided accordingly:
- Low-rise residential – A minimum of one (1) vehicle space per unit is provided with the requirements identified in Tier 1 Energy 1.1 in addition to appropriate E.V.S.E, such as an electric vehicle charging station.
Multi-unit residential – Each residential parking space, excluding visitor parking, shall include an adjacent energized outlet capable of providing Level 2 charging or higher to the parking space, either dedicated to the parking space or using an Energy Management System.
- All non-residential – A minimum 50% of required parking spaces are provided with electric vehicle supply equipment (E.V.S.E) and the remainder are of spaces are designed with energized outlets capable of providing Level 2 EV charging or higher to the parking space.
Where barrier-free parking spaces are required (refer to Town of Aurora Zoning by-law #600-17), ensure that at least one (1) barrier free space incorporates the requirements for appropriate E.V.S.E infrastructure. |
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Site Plan Drawings
- Building permit drawings
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report – Submit project parking statistics in the Green Development Report that includes number of E.V.S.E spaces.
- Site Plan Drawings– Notations include location of E.V.S.E spaces and roughed-in spaces.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning file Planner with Engineering support
- Transportation Analyst where further support is required
Other |
For additional information on EV infrastructure, please refer to the Clean Air Partnership website.
Metric EN1.2.2 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
Requirement |
Appropriate solar technology is provided based on connections to solar PV or solar thermal technologies constructed as per E1.1.2 requirements.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Letter of Intent, GDR Webform
How to demonstrate compliance |
Letter of Intent – Submit a Letter of Intent, signed by the project’s architect and/or engineer, committing that all new buildings will be designed for solar readiness. Design considerations to ensure a building is “solar ready” include: electrical conduit/plumbing riser built into base building, roof capacity accounts for weight/lift of renewable energy technologies, and delivery and space allocation for fuel deliver/storage.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
- Building Division/Chief Building Official
Other |
The applicant may refer to Natural Resources Canada’s(NRCan) Solar Ready Guidelines Version 1.1 (2013) for guidance on design considerations and modifications to prepare a building for the installation of a future solar system. These Guidelines are intended to be simple and inexpensive to implement, while enabling significant savings in installation costs should a homeowner choose to install a complete solar system in the future.
Metric EN1.2.3 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Mid-rise residential and all non-residential Site Plan and applications in Major Transit Station Areas
Requirement |
Provide the necessary infrastructure for connection to district energy, where available.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
How to demonstrate compliance |
Green Development Report – Describe where connection to district energy has been provided and necessary infrastructure to support district energy system. Compliance with this metric will be reliant upon a successful feasibility study submitted as per E1.1.4.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
- Building Division/Chief Building Official
Other |
Applicants, including the Town of Aurora, are encouraged to explore third-party incentive programs to support planning and implementation of district energy and/or community energy systems. This includes the Enbridge Gas program or the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Energy Recovery or District Energy capital project funding.
If applicant can pursue E1.2.3, requirements for Tier 2 are considered satisfied.
Metric EN1.2.4 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
GHG reduction for Part 3 and Part 9 buildings are met according to the following requirements:
- Part 9 buildings (low-rise residential) – Buildings are designed to meet or exceed a minimum energy performance of at least 10% better than that of the Ontario Building Code’s 2017 Supplementary Standard SB-12.
Part 3 buildings (mid to high-rise residential, all non- residential) – Demonstrate a minimum energy performance level of at least 15% better than that of the Ontario Building Code’s 2017 Supplementary Standard SB-10 Divisions 1 and 3.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Energy Report
- Energy Model File
- Envelope Design Brief
- Mechanical and Electrical Design Brief
How to demonstrate compliance |
Compliance for Part 3 and Part 9 buildings is demonstrated using an energy model for the entire building project, using an approved third-party building energy simulation software. Submit the following documentation:
- Energy report
- Energy model file
- Envelop design brief
- Mechanical and electrical design brief
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
- Building Division/Chief Building Official
Other |
Metric EN1.2.5 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
Requirement |
Utilize low emission mechanical systems, and/or install onsite renewables, to achieve an incremental percent CO2e reduction beyond the percent GHG reduction demonstrated for E1.2.4.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Energy Report
- Energy Model File
- Envelope Design Brief
- Mechanical and Electrical Design Brief
How to demonstrate compliance |
Energy performance report that includes summary of key energy model inputs and building characteristics, annual building energy usage broken down by end-uses and fuel type, and explanation of any externally calculated energy performance or modelling software limitations.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Building Division/Chief Building Official
Other |
Water |
Tier 1: Applicant is required to meet all criteria.
Metric W1.1.1 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
Demonstrate post-development peak flow rates are equal to or do not exceed pre-development peak flow rates for the 1 in 2 year, 1 in 5 year, 1 in 10 year, 1 in 25 year, 1 in 50 year, and the 1 in 100 year storm events and a minimum volume reduction of 5mm is achieved through low impact development (LID) features.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Stormwater Management Report
How to demonstrate compliance |
Stormwater Management Report - Demonstrate that post-development peak flow rates are equal to or do not exceed pre-development peak flow rates. Include the design measures used to retain stormwater runoff on site and calculate the amount of runoff retained on site.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
Other |
For additional support, refer to the LSRCA Technical Guidelines for Stormwater Management (SWM) Submissionsand the Town of Aurora Design Criteria Manual for Engineering Plans.
Metric W1.1.2 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
Ensure post-development groundwater recharge rates meet pre-development rates, as defined through the LSRCA Source Protection Plan.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Stormwater Management Report
How to demonstrate compliance |
Stormwater Management Report – Demonstrate that post-development groundwater recharge rates meet pre- development rates. Submit a Thornthwaite-Mather water balance assessment for pre-development and post- development along with a hydrogeological report.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
Other |
For additional support, refer to the LSRCA Technical Guidelines for Stormwater Management (SWM) Submissionsand the Town of Aurora Design Criteria Manual for Engineering Plans.
Metric W1.1.3 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
Remove at least 85% total suspended solids (TSS) on an annual loading basis from run-off leaving the site.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Stormwater Management Report
How to demonstrate compliance |
Stormwater Management Report – In the report, list of filtration measures proposed to suit the existing site conditions, including but not limited to stormwater ponds, oil-grit separators, filters, and/or bioswales. Calculate the percentage of TSS removed from 25mm rainfall event based on pre-existing condition.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
Other |
The individual TSS removal rate is dependent on the specific parameters of the system, necessitating site-specific design. The applicable strategy will require the relevant calculations. The LSRCA has developed the LID Treatment Train Toolto assist developers, consultants, and landowners to better understand, plan, and implement sustainable stormwater practices.
Metric W1.1.4 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
25% of new hard surfaces (e.g., parking areas and walkways, not including buildings) are constructed using permeable materials. For applicants developing from lot line to lot line, this requirement may be met through E1.1.7 requirement for green roofs.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Stormwater Management Report
How to demonstrate compliance |
Stormwater Management Report – Calculate the percentage of new hard surfaces that are constructed using permeable materials and identify the types of materials used.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
- Landscape Architect
Other |
This requirement is subject to land use. For example, permeable surfaces should not infiltrate from Industrial/Commercial or pollution hotspots. Where infiltration is not feasible, a filtration system may be able to be installed under the permeable pavement.
Metric W1.1.5 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
All water consuming fixtures are high-efficiency WaterSense® or meet the following maximum flow requirements, whichever is more restrictive:
- High efficiency toilets (max. flow of 4.0 L/flush OR 3/6 L/flush siphonic dual flush toilets).
Low flow lavatory faucets (max. flow of 5.7 L/min).
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Letter of Intent
How to demonstrate compliance |
Letter of Intent – Commit that the project will include water conserving fixtures with flow rates that satisfy the requirements identified by the Town.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Building Division/Chief Building Official
Other |
Tier 2: Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria.
Metric W1.2.1 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
Best management practices (BMPs) replicating natural site hydrology processes retain (e.g., infiltrate, evapotranspirate, or collect and reuse) on-site the runoff from the developed site, reducing the local rainfall event runoff by an additional 10%, using low impact development (LID) and green infrastructure practices.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Webform
- Stormwater Management Report
How to demonstrate compliance |
Stormwater Management Report - List and describe design measures used to retain or collect stormwater runoff on site, highlight the location of design measures (if any) on relevant Stormwater Management Plan(s), and include calculations and signoff by a professional engineer quantifying the amount of runoff reduced.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Landscape Architect
- Development Planning Engineer
Other |
This metric should be aligned with the LSRCA’s offsetting policies.
Metric W1.2.2 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
Remove at least 90% total suspended solids on an annual loading basis from run-off leaving the site.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Stormwater Management Report
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Stormwater Management Report – In the report, list of filtration measures proposed to suit the existing site conditions, including but not limited to stormwater ponds, oil-grit separators, filters, and/or bioswales. Calculate the percentage of TSS removed from 25mm rainfall event based on pre-existing condition.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
Other |
The individual TSS removal rate is dependent on the specific parameters of the system, necessitating site-specific design. The applicable strategy will require the relevant calculations. The LSRCA has developed the LID TreatmentTrain Toolto assist developers, consultants, and landowners to better understand, plan, and implement sustainable stormwater practices.
Metric W1.2.3 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
50% of new hard surfaces (e.g., parking areas and walkways, not including buildings) are constructed using permeable materials. For applicants developing from lot line to lot line, this requirement may be met through E1.1.7 requirement for green roofs.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Stormwater Management Report
How to demonstrate compliance |
Stormwater Management Report – Calculate the percentage of new hard surfaces that are constructed using permeable materials and identify the types of materials used.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
- Landscape Architect
Other |
This requirement is subject to land use. For example, permeable surfaces should not infiltrate from Industrial/Commercial or pollution hotspots. Where infiltration is not feasible, a filtration system may be able to be installed under the permeable pavement.
Metric W1.2.4 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
Requirement |
Building(s) is designed for rainwater re-use readiness (e.g., plumbing infrastructure included in building). Provide a rainwater harvesting and re-circulation/reuse system and is used for low-grade functions, such as toilet/urinal flushing and irrigation.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Stormwater Management Report
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Stormwater Management Report – Include and identify design features incorporated to facilitate rainwater capture, harvest, and re-circulation/reuse. Identify these features on Stormwater Management Plans and/or Floor Plans.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
Other |
Metric W1.2.5 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
Development incorporates design features that require less salt application without increasing liability.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
How to demonstrate compliance |
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
Other |
Applicants are encouraged to incorporate design features described in the LSRCA’s Parking Lot Design Guidelines to Promote Salt Reduction.
Ecology |
Tier 1: Applicant is required to meet all criteria.
Metric E1.1.1 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
Requirement |
Use a combination of Bird Friendly Design strategies to treat at least 85% of the exterior glazing located within the first 12 metres of the building above-grade (including interior courtyards). Visual markers on the glass should have a spacing no greater than 10 centimeters x 10 centimeters.
Where a green roof is constructed with adjacent glass surfaces, ensure the glass is treated 12 metres above green roof surface.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Building Drawings
- Elevation Plans
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report – Confirm that the visual markers on the glass have spacing no greater than 10cm x 10cm and confirm that 85% of the building glass (12m above grade) has been treated with bird friendly design strategies. Identify in the report what bird friendly design strategies have been included.
- Elevation Plans – Clearly highlight the bird friendly design features adopted on the first 12 metres above grade. Bird friendly design features can include but are not limited to visual patterns on glass, window films, glass angled downwards, etc.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning file Planner
Other |
For more information on bird friendly design strategies, applicants and Town staff may require use of the City of Markham Bird Friendly Guidelines. (For additional support and further information, the City of Toronto Bird Friendly Guidelines, including Best Practices for Bird Friendly Glass and Best Practices or Effective Lighting may also be useful to applicants.)
Metric E1.1.2 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
Use native plant species for 50% of the landscaped area, including trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Landscape Drawings
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform – Confirm that 50% of plant species are native species.
- Landscape Drawings – List the plant species being considered for the plan and quantify the percentage of native species.
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
Species size and selection will vary by project. Refer to the LSRCA list of Native Plant Species and/or the Town of Aurora Tree Planting and Approved Plant List Policy. For guidance on native species to replace invasive species, refer to the Grow Me Instead (Southern Ontario) Guide, 3rd Edition by the Ontario Invasive Plant Council.
Metric E1.1.3 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
Introduce no invasive species
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Landscape Drawings
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report – Confirm that no invasive species will be included in the project.
- Landscape Drawings – List the plant species being considered for the plan.
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
Species size and selection will vary by project. Refer to the LSRCA list of Native Plant Species and/or the Town of Aurora Tree Planting and Approved Plant List Policy. For guidance on native species to replace invasive species, refer to the Grow Me Instead (Southern Ontario) Guide, 3rd Edition by the Ontario Invasive Plant Council.
Metric E1.1.4 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
Protect healthy, mature trees that exist within the project boundary. Where trees are removed, new trees are provided to mitigate the lost canopy to the Town’s satisfaction.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Landscape Drawings
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Landscape Drawings – Clearly report the total number of trees to be removed, protected, and/or moved. Where new trees are planted, identify the location on appropriate landscape drawings.
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
Refer to the Town of Aurora Landscape Design Guidelines and Vegetation Management Policies to determine the appropriate measures for protection and/or relocation of existing mature trees and guidance for new tree plantings.
Metric E1.1.5 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
Requirement |
All exterior light fixtures are Dark Sky compliant.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Photometric Plan
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Photometric Plan – In alignment with the Town of Aurora Design Criteria Manual for Engineering Plans, a detail drawing and specification sheet of the selected luminaires proposed for the site must ensure that all fixtures will be designated as “Dark Sky Friendly” as determined by the International Dark Sky Association.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
Other |
Dark Sky Compliant fixtures must have the Dark Sky Fixture Seal of Approval which provides objective, third-party certification for lighting that minimizes glare, reduces light trespass and does not pollute the night sky. If a Dark Sky Fixture Seal of Approval is not available, fixtures must be full-cutoff and with a colour temperature rating of 3000K or less.
Metric E1.1.6 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
Requirement |
Create tree planting areas within the site and in the adjacent public boulevard that meet the soil volume and other requirements necessary to provide tree canopy. Determine the amount of soil required by the following formula:
40% of the site area / 66 m2 x 30 m2 = total soil volume required
Where possible, ensure that each separate tree planting area has a minimum of 30 m3 soil and enough space to accommodate mature tree trunk and root flare growth.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Landscape Drawings
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Landscape Drawings – Identify the location of new tree planting areas and confirms that the appropriate amount of soil is provided.
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
Metric E1.1.7 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
Roof areas are provided with one or a combination of the following covering 30% of available roof space (excludes mechanical):
- Green Roof
- Solar PV or thermal
- Cool Roof
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Letter of Intent
How to demonstrate compliance |
Letter of Intent – Submit a Letter of Intent, signed by the project’s architect, committing that 30% of available roof space will include identified covering.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
- Building Division/Chief Building Official
Other |
Tier 2: Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria.
Metric E1.2.1 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
Use native plant species for 75% of the landscaped area, including trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Landscape Drawings
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report – Confirm that 75% of plant species are native species.
- Landscape Drawings – List the plant species being considered for the plan and quantify the percentage of native species.
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
Species size and selection will vary by project. Refer to the LSRCA list of Native Plant Species and/or the Town of Aurora Tree Planting and Approved Plant List Policy. For guidance on native species to replace invasive species, refer to the Grow Me Instead (Southern Ontario) Guide, 3rd Edition by the Ontario Invasive Plant Council.
Metric E1.2.2 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
Requirement |
Where surface parking is provided, plant large growing shade trees along street frontages that are spaced appropriately having regard to site conditions and have access to 30 m3 soil per tree.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Landscape Drawings – Identify the location of large growing shade trees along street frontages, identifying the spacing requirements.
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
Metric E1.2.3 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
All street trees are accompanied by the installation of enhanced street tree planting technology to ensure/support the long-term health of trees. This may include permanent irrigation or watering systems that utilize non-potable water sources only, soil cells, etc.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Landscape Drawings
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Landscape Drawings – Identify the enhanced street tree planting technology included.
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
Metric E1.2.4 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
Develop an operational and maintenance plan to support the health and longevity of naturalized and landscaped areas.
The operational and maintenance plan should extend at least five (5) years beyond the two (2) year municipal landscape warranty period.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Operational Plan & Maintenance Manual
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Operational Plan & Maintenance Manual – Include in the manual a description of maintenance procedures including techniques for reducing salt use in landscaped and naturalized areas. The manual should also include tree monitoring plan designed to maximize the survival rates of planted trees. Where appropriate, other considerations identified by the applicant to care and manage landscaped and naturalized areas should be included.
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
Refer to the Town of Aurora Landscape Design Guidelines for required warranty period work that may inform the extended operational and maintenance plan.
Metric E1.2.5 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 5 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
Using Climate Positive Design’s Pathfinder: LandscapeCarbon Calculator, calculate the embodied carbon and the carbon sequestration potential within landscape designs.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Climate Positive Design Scorecard
How to demonstrate compliance |
Climate Positive Design Scorecard – Submit the Climate Positive Design Scorecard to the Town
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
The Town is encouraged to share this metric and Climate Positive Design Scorecards with the LSRCA in support of long-term efforts to increase carbon sequestration opportunities within the watershed.
Complete Communities |
Tier 1: Applicant is required to meet all criteria.
Metric CC1.1.1 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
Develop a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) plan that incorporates general requirements as outlined by York Region in the Transportation Mobility Plan Guidelines
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Transportation Demand Management Plan
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Submit the completed Transportation Demand Management Plan.
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
The Transportation Demand Management Plan must be undertaken by transportation specialists and should align with the active transportation in Section 14.2 of the Town of Aurora Official Plan. Refer to York Region’s Transportation Mobility Plan Guidelines Transportation Demand Management Checklist (Table 13) to assist the transportation specialist in the development of a comprehensive Transportation Demand Management Plan.
Metric CC1.1.2 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
Where possible, provide connections and/or access to a variety of park and open space options in alignment with the Town of Aurora’s Official Plan and in compliance with operation and maintenance requirements.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Landscape Plan and/or Urban Design Submission
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report – Describe how the building/site is connected to park and open space options.
- Landscape Plan and/or Urban Design Submission – Identify the linkages that connect a building to park and open spaces.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Transportation Analyst
- Development Planning file Planner
- Accessibility Advisor
Other |
The Transportation Demand Management Plan must be undertaken by transportation specialists and should align with the active transportation in Section 14.2 of the Town of Aurora Official Plan. Refer to York Region’s Transportation Mobility Plan Guidelines Transportation Demand Management Checklist (Table 13) to assist the transportation specialist in the development of a comprehensive Transportation Demand Management Plan.
Metric CC1.1.3 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
Accessibility measures and design features are provided in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) per Aurora's Official Plan, and Aurora's Accessibility Plan.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report – Identify how the development, through design features, has met the AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards, sections 80.16 to 80.31 inclusive, for pedestrian infrastructure.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Accessibility Advisor
- Transportation Analyst where necessary
Other |
Metric CC1.1.4 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
Where required by Town staff and/or Council, complete a Heritage Impact Assessment and Restoration/Conservation Plan for development applications that may potentially affect a designated or significant heritage resource, Heritage Resource Area and/or Heritage Conservation District, as per Aurora’s Official Plan.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Heritage Impact Assessment
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Heritage Impact Assessment – Submit a Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by a qualified professional to the satisfaction of the Town for any proposed alteration, construction, or any development proposal involving or adjacent to a designated heritage resource to demonstrate that the heritage property and its heritage attributes are not adversely affected.
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
Refer to the Town’s Register of Cultural Heritage Resources and Heritage Resource Area for reference to which this G.D.S requirement applies to.
Metric CC1.1.5 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
Requirement |
Strategize and develop an acoustical plan that identifies sources of noise that can negatively impact interior spaces.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Floor Plan
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Floor Plan – Provide an annotated document submitted and made available to occupants showing labeled zones throughout the project floor plan or similar schematic document as follows:
- Loud zones: Includes areas intended for loud equipment or activities (e.g., mechanical rooms, kitchens, fitness rooms, social spaces, recreational rooms, music rooms)
- Quiet zones: Includes areas intended for concentration, wellness, rest, study and/or privacy (e.g., restorative spaces, lactation rooms, nap rooms)
- Mixed zone: Includes areas intended for learning, collaboration and/or presentation (e.g., auditoriums, classrooms, breakout spaces)
- Circulation zones: Includes occupiable areas not intended for regular occupancy (e.g., hallways, egress, atria, stairs, lobbies)
- If loud zones directly boarder quiet zones, project provides a plan for reprogramming or mitigating sound transmission between these areas.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Accessibility Advisor
- Development Planning Engineer
Other |
This metric is in alignment with the WELL building standard (v2, Q4 2021) requirements for Sound Mapping (S01). Refer to the WELL standard for Sound Mapping for further detail on how to achieve this requirement.
Tier 2: Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 6 criteria.
Metric CC1.2.1 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 6 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
Provide missing walkway connections between the site and existing public routes for pedestrians. All new and existing streets are designed with continuous sidewalks or equivalent provisions in accordance with Aurora’s Engineering Standards and Design Criteria and Aurora’s Active Transportation Policies in section 14.2 of the Official Plan
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Transportation Demand Management Plan
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Transportation Demand Management Plan – Identify in the Transportation Demand Management Plan submitted as per CC1.1.1 requirement:
- Existing or municipally approved pedestrian routes within the project boundary
- Proposed connections from the site and existing or municipally approved pedestrian routes
- Verify that proposed pedestrian routes comply with relevant Town standards and policies
Compliance reviewed by |
- Transportation Analyst
- Development Planning Engineer
Other |
The Transportation Demand Management Plan must be undertaken by transportation specialists and should align with the active transportation in Section 14.2 of the Town of Aurora Official Plan. Refer to York Region’s Transportation Mobility Plan Guidelines Transportation Demand Management Checklist (Table 13) to assist the transportation specialist in the development of a comprehensive Transportation Demand Management Plan.
Metric CC1.2.2 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 6 criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
- Provide the physical infrastructure and site design elements to support active transportation, including:
- Adequate space for residents to perform repairs and maintenance of bicycles, including space for a bike pump, bike repair stand(s) and a bench
- End-of-trip facilities, such as changerooms and shower facilities
- Bicycle parking spaces (minimum one space or long-term bicycle parking spaces are equipped with a 120 V outlet located at a maximum distance of 1100 mm from the bike rack to accommodate the typical manufacture supplied power cord) beyond the requirements identified in the Town of Aurora Zoning By-law
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Transportation Demand Management Plan
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Transportation Demand Management Plan – Identify in the Transportation Demand Management Plan submitted as per CC1.1.1 requirement:
- Description of space for residents to perform repairs and maintenance of bicycles
- End-of-trip facilities provided
- Bicycle parking spaces provided
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
The Transportation Demand Management Plan must be undertaken by transportation specialists and should align with the active transportation in Section 14.2 of the Town of Aurora Official Plan. Refer to York Region’s Transportation Mobility Plan Guidelines Transportation Demand Management Checklist (Table 13) to assist the transportation specialist in the development of a comprehensive Transportation Demand Management Plan.
Metric CC1.2.3 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 6 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
Provide monthly York Region Transit passes to residents and businesses at no cost for a minimum of one (1) year after occupation, including:
- One (1) pass per household or residential unit; and
- Passes for 10% of employees per business or non- residential units
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Transportation Demand Management Plan
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Transportation Demand Management Plan – Identify in the Transportation Demand Management Plan submitted as per CC1.1.1 requirement the transit incentives provided for the development, including type of transit incentive, length of time the incentive will be provided, and who the incentive will be provided to.
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
The Transportation Demand Management Plan must be undertaken by transportation specialists and should align with the active transportation in Section 14.2 of the Town of Aurora Official Plan. Refer to York Region’s Transportation Mobility Plan Guidelines Transportation Demand Management Checklist (Table 13) to assist the transportation specialist in the development of a comprehensive Transportation Demand Management Plan.
Metric CC1.2.4 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 6 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all development types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
Permanent and accessible urban agricultural space is provided through one or more of the following:
- Community garden
- Edible landscaping with labeled plants and signage containing harvesting guidelines
- Small farm or orchard
- Private garden
- Rooftop garden
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Landscape Plan and/or Urban Design Submission
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Landscape Plan and/or Urban Design Submission – Identify the locations within the project dedicated for food production and list the garden space elements included/considered for the project.
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
Metric CC1.2.5 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 6 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan (multi-unit residential and non-residential development)
- Subdivision (multi-unit residential and non-residential development)
Requirement |
Provide public and/or private outdoor amenity spaces, urban square requirements where appropriate, particularly for development within the Major Transit Station Area (M.T.S.A).
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Site Plan or Subdivision Plan Drawings
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Site Plan or Subdivision Plan Drawings – Identify the amenities that are included or planned for the project within the 500-800 metre radius of the site.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning file Planner
Other |
Metric CC1.2.6 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 6 criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
Residential dwelling unit(s) conforms with Building Code requirements for secondary units to accommodate for potential use as a secondary unit.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Floor Plan
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Floor Plan – Identify the provisions that have been provided to accommodate for future secondary-unit use. If a secondary unit is provided, identify the location of the secondary unit.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Zoning
- Building Division/Chief Building Official
Other |
To successfully achieve this metric, the secondary dwelling unit does not need to be used as a secondary dwelling unit at the time of occupation. Conformity is achieved if/when the secondary dwelling unit is built to the standards in the Building Code and in accordance with the provision in the Town of Aurora’s Zoning By-law no. 6000-17 and Section
3.2 of Aurora’s Official Plan. Refer to the province of Ontario’s guide on adding a second unit to homes for further guidance.
Buildings, Waster & Materials |
Tier 1: Applicant is required to meet all criteria.
Metric BWM1.1.1 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
Develop a Waste Management Plan and Report that describes how construction and demolition materials are diverted from landfill, where possible. The following waste diversion activities are prioritized accordingly:
- Waste or source reduction (including prevention, minimization and reuse)
- Recycling and material recovery
- Disposal
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Waste Management Report
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Waste Management Report – Submit a waste management report describing the waste management narrative
Compliance reviewed by |
- Operations/ Waste Management Coordinator
Other |
Metric BWM1.1.2 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan multi-residential, mixed and non-residential application types
Requirement |
Provide waste collection and storage spaces accordingly:
- Mid-rise residential and all non-residential – Provide a waste collection and sorting system for garbage, recycling and organics using one of the following: a single chute with a tri-sorter, two separate chutes with one of the chutes equipped with a dual sorter, three separate chutes for garbage, recycling and organics collection on all floors, or a central waste collection and waste diversion facility on the ground floor.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Site Plan
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Site Plan – Identify the location of waste storage space(s) on site plan drawings in accordance with metric requirement.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning file Planner
- Building Division/Chief Building Official
Other |
Metric BWM1.1.3 |
Tier 1
Applicant is required to meet all criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
Maximize the amount of native topsoil reused on-site, where appropriate, provided that the use does not have potential to cause adverse effects to the environment, human heath, or impair water quality.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Landscape Plan
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report – Describe in the report how native topsoil has been reused for general landscaping purposes.
Compliance reviewed by |
Other |
Refer to the Town of Aurora Landscape Design Guidelinesand Vegetation Management Policies. Management of native topsoil must be in accordance with Section 3.7 Topsoil Requirements.
Tier 2: Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 7 criteria.
BWM1.2.1 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 7 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan all application types
- Subdivision
Requirement |
A minimum 25% of recycled and/or reclaimed materials are used for building, landscaping, and/or infrastructure materials including roadways, parking lots, sidewalks, unit paving, etc.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Letter of Intent
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Letter of Intent – Submit a Letter of Intent signed by engineer committing that the project will use the minimum percentage required of recycled and/or reclaimed materials in the landscape and/or infrastructure materials. Must meet standards compliance required by Town. Identify the following commitments:
- % of recycled content n building, landscaping and/or infrastructure
- % of reused content n building, landscaping and/or infrastructure
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning file Planner
- Engineering
Other |
BWM1.2.2 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 7 criteria |
Applicable to |
Site Plan (mid-rise residential development and all non- residential development)
Requirement |
Divert at least 75% of total construction and demolition material. Diverted material must include at least four material streams.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Waste Management Plan and Report
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Waste Management Plan and Report – Describe how at least 75% of construction and demolition material will be diverted from landfill.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Operations/ Waste Management Coordinator
Other |
Refer to LEED® V4 BD+C: MR Credit: Construction and Demolition Waste Managementfor further details on how to achieve this requirement.
BWM1.2.3 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 7 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan mixed use, non-residential
Requirement |
Building is designed and built incorporate Portland- limestone cement and/or tall wood.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Letter of Intent
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Letter of Intent – Submit a Letter of Intent committing that the project will use Portland-limestone cement and/or tall wood. Identify the:
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
Other |
Portland-limestone cement reflects the industry’s commitment to innovation and sustainability. The use of Portland-limestone cement in producing concrete decreases CO2 emissions by 10% while still producing concrete with the same level of strength and durability as concrete produced with regular Portland cement. Portland-limestone cement is referenced in the National Building Code through the CSA A.23.1 standard. Following recent successful sulphate testing programs, the new CSA A3001-13 and A23.1-14 Standards now provide specifications for the use of Portland-limestone cement in sulphate exposure environments.
BWM1.2.4 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 7 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan mixed use, non-residential application types
Requirement |
Include at least five (5) of the seven (7) requirements listed below in the project product specifications:
- Concrete Mix: minimum 25% supplementary Cementous material
- Rebar/ Structural Steel/ Metal Decks: Minimum 50% recycled content
- Flooring: meet FloorScore or USGBC equivalent program
- Paints/ Coatings/ Adhesives/ Sealents: Meet SCAQMD rule 1113 and 1168 Low VOC content thresholds
- Plywood: no added formaldehyde (NAF) or ultra-low- emiting formaldehyde (ULEF)
- Red List Materials: Do not use any materials from the International Living Future Institute’s Red List
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Letter of Intent
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Letter of Intent – Submit a Letter of Intent, signed by the project architect, committing that the project will include at least 5 of the 7 products. Identify in the Green Development Report the products that are included.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning file Planner
- Engineering
Other |
Flooring requirements are adopted from the LEED v4 rating system. The Floorscore standard addresses the VOC emissions from flooring materials, adhesives, and underlayments. Eligible flooring products must have the Floorscore certification.
The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) regulates the amount of VOCs that are allowed in certain building products in California. The VOC content of paints, adhesives, coatings and sealants must be checked against Rule 1113 and Rule 1168 to verify the VOC content in the product is lower than the requirement in the SCAQMD rules.
Formaldehyde can be harmful or hazardous to the human body. Selecting NAF and ULEF plywood products limits the introduction of formaldehyde to the building interior.
The ILFI Red List contains the Worst-In-Class materials prevalent in the building industry, which contribute to polluting the environment, bio-accumulation of toxins in the food chain and harming construction or factory workers.
BWM1.2.5 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 7 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan (mid-rise residential development and all non- residential development)
Requirement |
Provide a dedicated collection area or room for household hazardous waste and/or electronic waste.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Site building plan
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Site building plan – Identify the location of waste storage space(s) on site plan drawings in accordance with metric requirement.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Operations/ Waste Management Coordinator
- Building Division/Chief Building Official
Other |
BWM1.2.6 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 7 criteria |
Applicable to |
- Site Plan (mid-rise residential development and all non- residential development)
Requirement |
Provide dedicated areas accessible to waste haulers and building occupants for the collection and storage of recyclable and compostable materials for the entire building. Collection and storage areas may be separate locations.
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Site Plan
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Site Plan - Include in Site Plan drawings notations indicating the location of waste storage space.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Operations/ Waste Management Coordinator
- Building Division/Chief Building Official
Other |
BWM1.2.7 |
Tier 2
Applicant is required to meet 2 out of 7 criteria |
Applicable to |
Requirement |
For buildings at least two storeys, a minimum 4.5 metre clear slab-to-slab height (to underside of second floor slab).
Where to demonstrate compliance |
- Green Development Report Webform
- Elevation Drawings
How to demonstrate compliance |
- Elevation Drawings – Demonstrate that the first storey is at least 4.5 metres in height.
Compliance reviewed by |
- Development Planning Engineer
- Building Division/Chief Building Official
Other |
This requirement encourages building characteristics that allow for future changes in use without structural modifications. For further information on adaptation, disassembly and reuse, please see the Waterfront Toronto Green Building Requirements, Version 3.0 (January 2021).