Contact Information: 905-726-4700 |

New planning applications and application resubmissions may be submitted by providing the following:

1. Application form and fees

Fees may be provided by cheque and dropped off directly to the Planning Department located on the third floor at Town Hall. Alternatively, the cheque may be mailed to the Town Hall (Town of Aurora, Development Planning Division, 100 John West Way, Box 1000, Aurora, ON, L4G 6J1).Please be sure to clearly label what the cheque is for (e.g. address and application type) and provide contact name and number/email. Please contact the Planning Division prior to submitting fees to ensure they are correct. If you require commissioning services for your application form, please email or call 905-726-4711 to schedule an appointment.

2. Electronic submission of all required materials (application form, plans, drawings, reports, and studies)

Electronic submissions may be provided by:

  • Portal - you can now submit for planning applications and check the status of the application on our online Portal. This easy step by step process will allow you to submit your applications electronically on your own time without any lineups. In order to access the portal, you must register as a user click on the register with Portal to create your account

  • All electronic documents, plans and drawings must be submitted in PDF format, version 7 or later.
  • Files must be unsecured and not password protected.
  • Plans/Drawings with multiple pages and sets must be combined into a single Electronic Document (PDF format) in the same order as the submitted paper document.
  • Documents/Drawings containing multiple layers must be flattened to a single layer prior to submission.
  • Documents/Drawings must have no comments. Text placed on the PDF as a comment must be flattened or removed. When rendering drawings to PDF, options for saving text as comments must not be selected.
  • Submitted PDF files must be a single layer.
  • Electronically-produced documents, plans and drawings (i.e. docx) must be converted into PDF format for submission.
  • The maximum page size is an ARCH E (36″x48″ or 914.4mm x 1219.2mm).
  • The scale and page size of the plans/drawings on the PDF must match the scale and page size of the full-sized plans/drawings on paper.
  • Documents must be properly labelled.
3. One (1) hard copy of all required materials (plans, drawings, reports and studies)
  • Hard copies can be dropped off directly to the Planning Department located on the third floor at Town Hall, or may be mailed to (Town of Aurora, Development Planning Division, 100 John West Way, Box 1000, Aurora, ON, L4G 6J1).Please be sure to clearly label what the package (e.g. address and application type) and provide contact name and number/email. If you have any questions, please email the Planning Division

For commissioning services related to planning applications please call Peter Fan at 905-726-4711 or email 

For further information on planning application submission, please email the Planning Division or call (905) 726-4700

For information on Engineering related matters, please call 905-726-4704 or email the  Engineering Division.

For Building related matters, please call 365-500-2081 or email the Building Division

The Development Planning division undertakes the processing, review and recommendations on all development planning applications and provides a full range of planning input and information with respect to current planning land use issues. The processing of planning applications is based on provincial, regional and municipal policy directives. 

Planning applications processed and reviewed include: Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments, plans of subdivision, condominium and site plan applications. The division prepares all required agreements for development applications and is responsible for initiating, developing and implementing urban and architectural design policies and guidelines in consultation with the Long Range and Strategic Planning division and retains and reviews peer review consultant reports related to control architecture and environmental reports as may be necessary. 

The administration services of the Committee of Adjustment are also part of Development Planning responsibilities related to minor variances, permissions and consents to sever land. 

Heritage Planning oversees heritage management, playing an active role in the identification and conservation of significant heritage resources.

​Citizen input on planning matters related to development planning applications is an important part of the planning process in Aurora. As such public comment is actively solicited on planning matters related to development applications and for any policy changes to the Official Plan.

The division is also directly involved with Heritage Planning. For more information on policy or heritage planning matters, please contact Adam Robb, Manager of Policy Planning and Heritage, at

Development Engineering

Development Engineering is responsible for working with the Development Planning division. Providing a review and comments on subdivision, condominium, site plans and zoning and official plan amendment applications. The review ensures appropriate development standards; servicing requirements and good engineering practices are met.

The division is also responsible for the review and approval of final detailed engineering designs for all site plan applications and plans of subdivision included within agreements, to ensure conformity to sound engineering principles and engineering design criteria and standards of the Town.

Committee of Adjustment

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Ontario Planning Act establishes the authority for the Committee of Adjustment to make decisions on minor variances, permissions and consents on property, submitted by the applicant and/or their agent. The Committee of Adjustment is appointed by Council and is comprised of five residents of the Town that meet on a monthly basis. 

Heritage Planning

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Heritage Planning oversees heritage management throughout the Town and plays an active role in the identification and conservation of significant heritage resources, which can include buildings, natural resources, monuments, structures and landscapes.

Additional Resources

Frequently Requested Documents
Application Pamphlets
2024 Planning Applications/Fees effective January 2, 2024 
Application Guides
NEW Planning Application Status Map
Related Links