Town of Aurora is building a robust network of electric vehicle charging stations. Providing charging infrastructure in public spaces incentivizes the shift toward zero-emissions vehicles in Aurora and the greater GTA.

Mayor Mrakas speaking

The new charging stations are part of the larger Ivy Charging Network, a joint venture between Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation, which is building Ontario’s largest and most connected network of electric vehicle chargers.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station

About the Town’s Chargers:

Currently Aurora residents, businesses and visitors can access 18, level 2 chargers at six Town-owned facilities:

ev charger locations map

  • Aurora Community Centre, 1 Community Centre Lane- Watch the Aurora Tigers while charging your vehicle
  • Aurora Armoury, 89 Mosley Street- Take a stroll through Town Park
  • Joint Operations Centre, 229 Industrial Parkway North- 
  • Aurora Family Leisure Complex, 135 Industrial Parkway North- Go for a swim or visit the Club Aurora gym while your car gets its charge
  • Aurora Town Hall, 100 John West Way- Visit access Aurora!
  • Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex, 1400 Wellington Street East- Check out the new SARC gymnasium!

An additional four chargers are also set to be installed at Aurora Town Square in Spring 2025.

Cost:                      $2.50 per hour

How to access chargers:

There are 3 ways to become an IVY member:

  1. Download the Ivy app on your Android or Apple device;
  2. Register in the Ivy Drivers' Portal and request your RFID card; or
  3. Give IVY a call at 1-888-550-5155.

EV Charging Station FAQs

What is a level 2 charger?

A level 2 charging station is currently the most practical and economical charging station level, using 208 to 230 volt multi-phase AC power, 32 to 80 amps and a maximum of 7.7 to 22 kilowatt of power. This translates into roughly 30 km of driving range for every one hour of charge. 

Why are the charging stations no longer free?

To support an expanded EV charging station program, that does not burden the tax payer, the Town has shifted to a cost recovery model, with a per hour charging rate competitive with the cost of other public charging stations in the GTA. This user fee will help offset the costs of electricity and maintenance of the stations.

Any net revenue from the program will go to the Town’s Green Initiatives Reserve to support other future green projects.

How much will it cost to charge? 
This is dependent on a number of factors including battery type and car model, but 1 hour of charge will generally give you around 30 km of driving range.

The Town works with other local municipalities to set an hourly cost. Currently it is set at $2.50 per hour.

Idle fee: Users will receive a notification when their vehicle is charged, but will continue to be charged at the same price until they disconnect from the charger.

All prices are subject to change.

Can non-EVs park at the charging stations?

The Town’s Parking By-law No. 4574-04 was amended to reflect changes in the Highway Traffic Act for electric vehicle charging stations. The following restrictions are applied in Aurora:

“No person shall park a vehicle in an electric vehicle charging station that is identified by a sign that satisfies the prescribed requirements unless the vehicle is an electric vehicle and the vehicle is attached to the station’s charging equipment.”

“electric vehicle” means:

  • a battery electric vehicle that runs only on a battery and an electric drive train, or
  • a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle that runs on a battery and an electric drive train, and also uses an internal combustion engine.”

“electric vehicle charging station” means:

  • a publicly or privately-owned parking space that provides access to equipment that supplies a source of electricity for charging electric vehicles.”

Penalties are set, in line with the Reserved Parking for Electric Vehicle Charging Act, 2019.

What kind of vehicles can be charged? 
Any EV with a compatible CCS or CHAdeMO charging plug can charge with Ivy. Most Tesla vehicles can use Ivy chargers with an optional adapter sold by Tesla.
Is there a way to know whether a charger is available before I drive over?
Yes, simply visit one of the below sites, which will indicate the type of charger at a location and its availability:
Where can I find more information on electric vehicles?
The Plug’n Drive website is an excellent resource. Plug’n Drive is a non-profit organization committed to accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles in order to maximize their environmental and economic benefits. 
Who Owns Ivy?
Ivy Fast Charging Network is a limited partnership with equal ownership between Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and Hydro One.

EV Programs and Incentives

EV Incentives

  1. Used EV Incentive – $1,000
  2. Scrappage Incentive – $1,000
  3. iZEV Incentive Program – Up to $5,000
  4. Tax write-offs for businesses
  5. Test Drive an EV

Other ways the Town is building an EV ready community:

Council approved the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Policy in 2021 to support staff, fleet and the community in the adoption of low carbon vehicles. The Policy outlines minimum EV charging station infrastructure requirements for:

  • Existing Town facilities and existing parking lots;
  • New facilities, new parking lots and for major facility building renovations; and
  • Electrical capacity increases under Town infrastructure planning.

Incorporating minimum EV charging station infrastructure early in the project design process drastically cuts costs and future proof’s public infrastructure for any future expansion. For more information, contact PDS- Engineering at