
Located on Hartwell Way, John Abel Park offers a range of amenities for all ages including a unique playground designed with primarily wooden log features, a natural rock amphitheatre to facilitate group learning activities, a Trail-Head Plaza that includes a shade structure, play-themed tables and seating, shade sails and seating throughout the park and walkways linking the park to the Town’s trail system and the David Tomlinson Nature Reserve, enhancing accessibility and encouraging exploration.

Aerial Photo of John Abel Park

The park also features Community Gardens that provide an opportunity for residents to cultivate plants and contribute to the community’s green efforts, an open grass area where visitors can relax, play, or enjoy casual gatherings.

The park was named after former Councillor John Abel who had a strong passion for arts, culture, and nature. 

There are many more features to be added in 2025, such as wood pole carvings with a flora and fauna theme that will be installed at several locations within the park, an indigenous garden area and park and trail signage.