Aurora Town Square is a dynamic community facility and vibrant outdoor square, providing a hub in Aurora’s downtown for community gatherings, events, and performances.

Town Square connects arts, heritage, entertainment, economic development, cultural tourism, and more. An inviting 29,000 square-foot outdoor community space is a hub for community gatherings, events, and performances, while an architecturally stunning 32,000 square-foot addition features a flexible Performance Hall and a variety of multi-purpose arts programming spaces.

For a listing of shows and events and for tickets, please visit


50 Victoria Street

Aurora, ON L4G 1R3

Permitting Hours

  • Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.
  • Saturday: 8:30 a.m - 6 p.m 
  • Sunday: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Holidays: Closed


Surface Parking

There are several parking options available to visitors of Aurora Town Square. You may park in the north lot at The Square, which includes accessible parking for permit holders. 

On-Street and Downtown

On-street parking is available on Church and Victoria Streets. Parking is also available in lots and on streets in Aurora’s historic downtown.

Please be sure to check signage at each location to confirm maximum stay and parking restrictions.

Bicycle Racks

Bicycle racks are provided to store your bike conveniently and safely during your time at The Square. Please note that damaged or stolen bikes are not the responsibility of Aurora Town Square.

Public Transit

Town Square is accessible via York Region Transit. Please visit for Schedule and Map information.

Facility Pricing Information

All fees and rates are approved by Council and are subject to change at any time. Visit our Fees and Services Charges page for more details.

To view the fees related to rooms in this facility, please visit the following links: 

Rooms & Capacity Information

Location Theatre Classroom U Shape Boardroom Banquet Round Cabaret

Addison Hall Dance Studio

(46', 1.5" x 33', 5.5")







Addison Hall Dance Studio A







Addison Hall Dance Studio B







Brevik Hall







Charlieville Reading Garden







Davide De Simone Performance Hall


  • No stage -  24 tables and 192 chairs
  • With stage - 19 tables and 152 chairs

Dressing Room #1







Dressing Room #2




Lebovic Room







Magna Room







McAlpine Ford Conference Room







Nichols Foundation Program Room







Program Room A + B (63' 6" x 20' 2")



38 N/S Wall


62 E/W Wall




Program Room A



22 N/S Wall


30 E/W Wall




Program Room B




22 N/S Wall

30 E/W Wall




Program Room 1







School House Meeting Room







Shining Hill Multi-Purpose Studio

(12' 4.5" x 25' 11.5")







Treasure Hill Bridge







From left to right, visual representation of theatre, classroom, u shape, boardroom, banquet round set ups.

Capacity may vary depending on set-up.

Facility Layouts

Facility Rental Spaces -  360 Views

Click the full screen icon (Full screen icon) at the top right of each image for a full screen experience on desktop and mobile. Use your mouse pointer or finger to move around the room by dragging the image.

Choose a Space or Scroll Down:

Davide De Simone Performance HallDavide De Simone Performance Hall - Banquet SetupAddison Hall Dance StudioTreasure Hill BridgeBrevik HallDressing RoomShining Hill Multipurpose Studio

Davide De Simone Performance Hall

Davide De Simone Performance Hall - Banquet Setup

Addison Hall Dance Studio

Treasure Hill Bridge

Brevik Hall

Dressing Room

Shining Hill Multipurpose Studio

Facility Rental Permit Request Form

Facility Booking Permit Request Form

In order to rent a facility, you will need a permit. Please complete the Facility Rental Permit Request Form online a minimum of 2 weeks prior to your requested date. To check availability within our facilities for the space you wish to rent, please use our online facility availability search tool.

Please note that submitting duplicate requests or following up by phone or email may cause delays in processing your initial request. We appreciate your patience and will get back to you as soon as we can. 

Explore our rental spaces in stunning 360° views before booking, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your needs!

Facility Rental Permit Request Form

We are now accepting requests for bookings up to and including August 31, 2026. We will open the following season (September 1, 2026 - August 31, 2027) in Fall 2025. For performance or event bookings, please complete the Aurora Town Square Booking Request Step 1 online a minimum of 60 days prior to your requested date. 

Aurora Town Square Booking Request Step 1 


To book a facility, please email our Facility Bookings team for assistance. Please confirm the availability of all features at the time of booking.​


Frequently Asked Questions

 At the back of the performance hall stage is there a solid wall or curtain?
We have a Cyclorama, upstage traveller, and a wall with acoustic tiles on it.
 What is the performance hall flooring?
 What are the dimensions of the performance hall onstage area?
20' deep by 28' wide
 What are the dimensions of the elevated portable stage?
Portable staging is 4'x4' decks. Full stage is 12' deep by 24' wide on 24" legs. The stage is wood. 
 What types of pianos are available on site at Aurora Town Square?

Brevik Hall: Yamaha C7 Piano

Performance Hall: August Forster 6' Piano

How should I price the tickets for my event?
We advertise ticket price inclusive of tax and fees, please structure ticket price to include these. Each ticket sale will be subject to the following additional fees and charges as per the Town of Aurora Fees & Charges Bylaw: Capital Investment Fund, Handling/Processing Fee, Admin Fee. Please ensure that these are included in the total fee.
How many complimentary tickets do I receive per show?
10 complimentary tickets. If you require any additional, you will be subject to the handling and CIF fee per ticket. 
What image requirements/format is required for the event ticket that will be displayed on the box office site? 

Images should be 1080 x 762 px, with no required resolution/dimensions.  The image should not exceed 1 MB and be in jpg format.  It will appear rectangular on the website.

Please visit our box office website to view examples. 

 What is the Capital Investment Fund (CIF) Fee? 
The Capital Investment Fund (CIF) is accumulated in a reserve fund and used when needed to maintain, upgrade, or replace the equipment and related capital assets required to provide high quality performance spaces at Town Square. 
Where will you advertise my event?
Your event will be added to the Aurora Town Square What's On webpage through our box office ticketing process.